The Importance of (Yoga) Snacks
I’ve been taught that it takes about three minutes for the nervous system to regulate after a stressful event. Think of all the times we are activated throughout our day- this can be as simple as being startled or taking a work call. Another fact - our hearts rest in-between beats. If we are constantly in an elevated state of panic and stress with our hearts racing, we are forcing our hearts to work really, really hard. It is so important to slow our heart rate down and allow it time to rest. That often takes conscious effort and skills that we are not always taught or reminded to use. Learning to regulate our nervous system can be crucial in our healing process. As I began to change my lifestyle and consciously put my body into rest and digest mode versus constantly being in reactivity mode, I felt a profound difference physically, mentally and emotionally. For the first time in a long time I felt I was able to actually be at ease and feel safe. I felt a shift within me.
This is where Yoga snacks come in… “yoga snacks” are what we call little yoga breaks throughout the day. Piecing together a moment here and there wherever you can to pause and take care of yourself. This can look like three deep breaths before going from one meeting to another. Putting your timer on for five minutes and doing some stretches. It could be a quick walk around your block, standing in the sunshine, repeating an affirmation to yourself, taking a nap.
My favorite Yoga snack is pausing, putting my hand on my heart and asking myself what I need and what I could do in this moment to help myself. Sometimes this answer does not come easily, but as I have continued to check in with myself more and more I am able to listen and become in tune with that inner voice telling me what I need.
You can do this when you are starting to feel burnt out or overwhelmed, but it may be even more beneficial to work these into your days preventively by giving yourself the permission to have pauses throughout your day. We all deserve to feel calm, grounded, safe, at ease. We have the ability to infuse that energy into our lives despite what is going on around us. I urge you to choose at least one time a day where you give yourself three minutes amidst your day to check in with yourself and give yourself something you need. Let it be simple, let it be easy, let it feel good. You deserve it.
P.S. don’t forget your food snacks too… those are just as important and nourishing for you body, mind and soul.