the intuitively wild mentorship

this mentorship is for you if…

  • you are ready and willing to understand yourself and your path on a deeper level but don’t know how to get there on your own

  • you struggle with structure, routine, and direction in your life, and taking action on your dreams

  • you have the tendency to people please, and look to others for the answers

  • you lack clarity on who you are, what you want, and how to move in the world with confidence

  • you feel lost, overwhelmed, stuck, stagnant, and disconnected from yourself and the world around you

  • you are seeking one on one support around establishing your values and creating an intentional life

fill out this form to apply

to learn more book a free consultation call HERE

or reach out HERE with any questions

a mix of personalised strategy, intentional action, and embodied intuition - the intuitively wild mentorship is for those who want to create their own life, on purpose.

the intuitively wild mentorship

the intuitively wild mentorship

for those ready to create their intuitively wild life

what’s included…

  • bi weekly zoom meetings over three or six months

  • unlimited voxer support during office hours in-between sessions

  • personalised human design guidance allowing you to understand your intuition, your true self, and how you best function in the world

  • unique yoga therapy tools to regulate your nervous system, connect to your body and strengthen your mental health

  • practices to create your own sacred ritual and action steps to integrate and embody our work into your everyday life

  • a customised mentorship container that supports you in your values, current goals and specific needs


Rachel is the founder and owner of Intuitively Wild. She is a Yoga Therapist, Herbalist, Human Design Guide and writer committed to helping people reconnect to their intuition and live their most aligned lives. She has studied with some of the most revered teachers in each modality and continues to deepen her knowledge daily. She has been through her own journey and healing process and continues to evolve to be the most true and full version of herself she can be in order to best support others.

Click here to learn more about Rachel.

✺ testimonials ✺

✺ “I can’t recommend one-on-one work with Rachel enough. Her intuitive wisdom and ability to articulate the intricacies of my human design left me in awe. She holds space with presence and compassion, making it easier for me to embrace and understand my own intuition.” ✺

✺ “Rachel has a gift for reflecting a person’s authentic self, providing guidance that feels both enlightened and deeply resonant. I am grateful for the clarity she helped me find - clarity that has continued well after our work together.”✺

✺ “Working with Rachel, I have never felt so seen.✺