
Something I love so much about Human Design is the emphasise on how everyone is so individual. Human Design is the science of individuation. It’s purpose is truly to show how magically wonderfully individual we are. We’re all SO unique. No one person has the same energetic blueprint. No one person is meant to live the same, feel the same, act the same, see the world in the same way.

Yet, we so often look to others for direction. Too many people are out in the world giving advice as if it is THE answer. The only way to be successful, healthy, happy, loved. It’s wonderful that people want to share what has worked for them, but it bears no significance on if it will be right for you.

So when you hear someone sharing something that has worked for them, proceed with caution. Instead of grasping on to your favourite influencers skin routine, check in with if your intuition and see what it is telling you. If it doesn’t feel true for you, instead of getting defensive, practice getting interested and showing compassion. ‘Oh that’s so interesting that that’s your perspective. That’s beautiful that that works for you’ ‘I love how passionate you are about something so different than I’m passionate about!’

Instead of copying others tools to get the success you want, find what is best for you. If you feel drawn to something someone is recommending, that’s great. Go out and try it and see how it feels for you. But remember, there is no correct way of living life. You have to figure out for yourself what is best for you.

When we learn to love and celebrate our individual gifts and way of being, we can stop looking at ourselves as something that needs to be fixed, changed, hidden.

You are already who you dream of being. You don’t have to “become” anyone, you only have to step into who you already are. You don’t have to fix or change yourself, you only have to believe in and step into the magic you already have.

What if all the pieces of yourself you fight so hard against, you learn to accept.

What if the people you were always comparing yourself to were only showing you more of who you need to step into being.

What if instead of asking ‘what if’ you went out and tried to live the life you want.

What if instead of asking ‘why me’ you figured out how to believe in yourself.

You are already who you dream of being, you only have to love yourself enough to believe it.

Maybe you don’t have to work so hard to become someone better. Maybe you just have to get out of your own way to let your truest self come through. Stop letting your mind and conditioning boss you around and just trust your innate magic. You’re so powerful, don’t let anyone else tell you you’re powerless.


Full Moon In Sagittarius


13 Things I learned while living in England