Full Moon In Sagittarius

Saturday June third is the full moon in Sagittarius. Sagittarius - most commonly known as the fun, independent, adventure seeker. They love to travel, they love to try something new, they love to have the freedom to live their life however they choose whenever they choose. They are a fire sign, but a mutable one - meaning they can go with the flow and be adaptable more easily than other fire signs may be able to.

During this full moon we are supported with the energy of forward movement. We will have the extra energetic support and courage to reach for our dreams and push ourselves out of our comfort zones. This time wants us to traverse new terrain - be it inwardly or outwardly. Let yourself explore something new. This can be a new experience, a new perspective, a new way of being in the world. Let yourself adventure the unknown. This can look like getting to know a new side of yourself, leaning into a new relationship, or trying a new hobby. But remember, with the unknown can come overwhelm and emotions. Be mindful of your emotions and how you are expressing them. Your words are so powerful - through your words your dreams can manifest. Speak with intention, purpose, and heart.

Let yourself fly without worrying if you’ll fall. Trust that your heart will guide you to the cliffs that are meant for you to jump off of. And if the landing isn’t smooth and soft, pick yourself up, dust yourself off, laugh, learn, and keep moving forward.

Journal Prompts :

When in your life have you felt most connected to yourself? What has this taught you?

What is an adventure you are ready to set off on?

What is the bravest action you can take towards your dreams?

How can your open yourself up to the world more?

How can you connect deeper with your emotions?

Plants to Work With :

Dandelion - invokes joy, calm, emotional stability, grounding and helps the ending of cycles

Carnations - brings about good luck, love, calm and supports anxiety and depression

Peppermint - dispels heat, clears thoughts and brain fog, eases stress

Yoga/Mindfulness Practices :

Fire Burning Ceremony - this is a classic and a must on this full moon : write down your biggest dreams, what your hoping to manifest this next moon cycle, and then burn it in a fire. Release it to the universe and trust that what is coming to you is greater than you could even imagine.

Emotions Check In - take a moment on the full moon to really sit with your emotions. Perhaps set a timer on your phone a couple times throughout the weekend to pause, place your hand on your heart, breath, and notice what you are feeling. It can be helpful write down these thoughts and come back to them later. You could journal about what is bringing up these emotions and any thoughts you have around them.

Backbends - Backbends allow you to open your heart more to the world. Do whatever backbend feels right for you in this moment. Try to stay in it for at least ten deep breaths, or for as long as you would like. While in the backbend feel your heart opening and expanding. Feel your heart welcoming in all that the world has to offer. Remind yourself it is safe to let life in, it is safe to open you heart to new people, places, experiences. Remind yourself you are supported.

Childs Pose - Childs pose is a perfect partner pose to a backbend at this time. It allows you to shut out the light and connect inwards. Reconnect to your inner landscape and present experiences. Turn to childs pose as often and as long as you find supportive throughout the weekend, perhaps pairing it with the emotions check in. Remember, there is no right or wrong way to do a Childs Pose; use as much support from props such as blocks, blankets, bolsters, as you would like.


Curiosity - the Medicine for Control

