Own Your Energy

Life is all about energy and intention.

It’s not about what we’re doing - it’s how we’re doing it and why we’re doing it. The energy and intention behind it.

The same exact activity can be harmful or hurtful. What’s right for one person at one time will be wrong for that same person at a different time, or for someone else. What we believe to be truth is only A truth, not THE truth.

I think this is related to the societal conditioning we’ve each had around certain topics. Everyones conditioning will be different and show up in different ways, and this reflects in how we interact with the world, how we choose to live, what we choose to do with our lives.

And there are also certain things society teaches all of us in general are “good.” For example, losing weight, getting a promotion, getting married… But these concepts are not inherently good, we just have been told to believe they are.

We are taught what is good, we are taught what success is, we are taught what to feel shame around. And when our energy and intuition is telling us something different, we are taught to ignore it and stick to societal conditioning. So instead of leaning into our inner knowing, we push ourselves to burn out, push our emotions down, and push our truth away.

That is how the shame begins to build. We begin to feel shame for wanting something different than what we have been told is right. We begin to feel shame for feeling differently. We feel the judgment and expectations of society if we don’t fit in and follow the linear path.

It is up to us to step away from it all and question our intentions. We must examine why we are doing what we are doing. We must examine what we feel shame around and choose to bring awareness to and understand these parts of ourselves.

We must own all parts of ourselves. That is the only way through the shame. That is the only way to reclaim your life as your own. When you own what you feel ashamed of, it takes away the power that it has over you. It takes away the power from others who try to shame or judge you.

It feels so good to live in alignment with your truth and integrity. To believe in your intentions behind each of your choices, big and small. It can be scary at first to live this way, but it’s only because we’ve been taught to live otherwise; it is a muscle we must restrengthen.


Own what comes up for you, start to use your energy as a guide back to your intuition.

Observe yourself. Notice when you are talking if there is a moment where your voice shifts. Maybe it gets quieter, higher, quicker. Maybe you notice an emotion rising inside if you. Question this, dig into this. Notice if you feel the need to always apologise around a specific topic, or when talking to a specific person. Notice when you feel shame, judgment, embarrassment, and whether that is coming from others or from yourself. Notice how you feel after a certain activity, being around a certain person, wearing a certain outfit.

You can use all of these observations as information around who you are that you are trying to suppress or ignore. Your full true self is underneath all of that.

When our energy and intention are aligned, we are left feeling satisfied, at peace, recognised, successful, enlivened by life.

When you live this way you may be led down a path wildly different than what you expected or what you were told to follow, trust your path.


HD 101 — Strategy


Scorpio Full Moon and Eclipse