HD 101 — Strategy

Today we will go into some basic key components of each energy type.

In order to discover your human design type I recommend using the website or app myhumandesign.com.

There are so many places where you can discover basics about your energy type. I don’t want to regurgitate the typical standards here. However, I do want to lay a foundation and provide an overview of each type. Each type is so complex and who you are goes much deeper than your type, that is why I hesitate to write this to begin with. But knowing key components of your type does give your core knowledge about how to align with your truth. The most important piece being your strategy. And that is what we will cover today.

Reminders: these topics are so nuanced, there are so many pieces of your chart that layer on to this that make you the individual you are. If any of this resonates with you, just try it out. Human Design is an experiment, it’s helpful to treat it that way and experiment with it in your life.

Of course, as always, I would love to go in depth and explain what this means for you, so please don’t hesitate to reach out.

If you haven’t read my first two blog posts about Human Design I recommend you do so HERE and HERE.

Each Energy Type has a strategy. Your strategy is what allows you to best interact with your life and draw to you what you are meant to. Your strategy allows you to sort through all of the opportunities that life has to offer and know which option is right for you.

The Manifestors strategy is to follow their gut instinct and to inform. Manifestors are meant to listen to their gut instinct; that urge that comes out of nowhere. When you get a hit of excitement and a pull towards something, it is the universe telling you to respond to that. Once you follow your gut, you merely have to tell others what it is you are going to do and let them respond how they may. It is not your job to ask for others opinions or force people to follow your lead. When you are following your strategy with confidence, the right people will join you. Start practicing by paying attention and writing down your urges. Imagine yourself taking action on them, how that would feel, and what may be holding you back from doing that right now. Give yourself permission to follow your urges.

Manifesting Generators and Generators have the same strategy. Their strategy is to respond. Life will place in your path limitless options to choose from, and you must listen to your energetic response around each thing. Whatever choice is placed within your five senses, you are here to respond to. Your strategy is black or white, yes or no. This is both with small things - what book to read, what shirt to wear, and with big things - where to move to, what job to take. However, your body doesn’t know how to respond to open ended choices such as “what book do you want to read.” Instead, start practicing by giving yourself some options - “do you want to read this book or this one.” Practice in low stakes scenarios and use your energetic response to choose. Slowly build up to trusting yourself in all areas of your life. Remember, you’re not here to do what others want you to do, your here to use your energy on what lights you up.

The strategy for Projectors is to wait for an invitation. Projectors are the specialists. They have the gift of being able to see the most efficient and aligned way for something to unfold. However, they do not have the ability to create their own energy and therefor must interact with the world differently than energy types that can create their own energy. They ride off the energy of others. If you try to give your wisdom and advice to those who are not ready or willing to receive it, it will be as if you are walking into a brick wall. You must be recognised for you gifts in order for them to be received. An invitation can come in many forms - it can look like someone asking you a question, following you on social media, expressing interest in you of any kind, or a literal invitation. It is a gift to have this strategy; as you wait you are meant to spend the time honing in on your gift, getting to know yourself, and recognising your own abilities. No one can recognise and invite you in if you don’t recognise and want yourself. So, when you feel as if you are trying to force something that isn’t flowing, or wanting to impose your opinion without an invitation first, practice pulling back. Go inwards, invest in your learning, and show up in the world confidently. Invitations will come to you when you do.

For Reflectors, the strategy is to wait a full lunar cycle. I know how this sounds but I assure you do not fret. First off, this is only relevant for big decisions, you can make smaller everyday decisions based on your intuition in the moment. However, because you are a lunar being, you go through a transformation with the moon as she moves through her cycle. Each phase of the moon brigns out a different piece of who you are. Therefor, your mind may change and evolve as you move through this cycle. Start to get to know your patterns and how you feel when the moon is in each phase of her cycle. Track yourself with the moon. When she’s full, waning, waxing, new… etc. This will give you a hint on how your energy and being cycles as well. When it comes to big decisions, you don’t need to wait a full 28 days from that moment, you merely need to let yourself finish your cycle. So maybe you track your cycle from a full moon to a new moon and the moon is full in two weeks. If you know how your energy cycles, and know you’re in a grounded place during the new moon, you can what until then. To start, get a calendar and a journal and begin journaling about the moons cycle and how you transform throughout it. Track your patterns, learn your energy, move from there.


New Moon in Taurus


Own Your Energy