Scorpio Full Moon and Eclipse

This Friday we have the Scorpio Full Moon Lunar Eclipse.

This is the last eclipse in Scorpio for a while, finishing out the series of eclipses we’ve had in Scorpio since last year. This means - a chapter is ending.

It will hold a different theme and significance for everyone depending on where Scorpio lands in your individual chart. But for all of us it represents a time of shifts. Scorpio is all about transformations. They love endings, they love shedding old skins and burning things down to start over again. They love the process of awakening, of going deep into the darkness to come out the other side anew. Scorpio loves to go places others may fear to, and with the moon in Scorpio, we all may be forced to go deeper. Deeper into ourselves, into our needs, wants, fears, hopes, tendencies.

This is not a bad thing and nothing to be afraid of. As long as we stay grounded, open and accepting, there is so much magic to be found here. Scorpio reminds us that life is meant to be lived, and the only way to live is to grow, change, and feel. That who you are on the surface is nothing compared to who you are, or can be, once you know your truest self underneath. Scorpio reminds us that to heal we have to go deep. AKA - healing and transforming is not all about crystals and pretty yoga poses, although those can help too.

This Full Moon Eclipse, let yourself off the hook. Give yourself grace and space to be with you and give yourself whatever you need. Try to slow down, go inwards, free up some space and reflect. Let whatever comes up for you have the freedom to move through you. There is no need to judge it, hold on to it, or fear it. The transformations are happening to you, all you need to do is allow yourself to move forward.

Journal Prompts :

What was happening for me at this time last year? Is there a theme that has been showing up for me since then?

What chapter in my life is coming to an end? What chapter in my life am I ready to come to an end?

What have I learned from this chapter? What has the last year taught me about myself?

Herbs :

Lilac - nourishing, calming, soothing, healing

Elecampane - connects you to your spirituality, helps you process grief

Betony - replenishing, eases worries, strengthens vitality

Yoga/Mindfulness Practices -

Forward Folds - When anxiety heightens inside of me and I’m in need of a simple release fast, the first physical posture I turn to is any kind of forward fold. It is grounding, cooling, and helps allow your nervous system to regulate.

Savasana - Honestly, this pose is THE main pose of any asana sequence and is so underrated in main stream yoga culture. If there is any pose you take during this eclipse it should be this one. It will help you process the transformation you are undergoing (consciously or not), ground and replenish yourself.

Supported Bridge Pose - For this pose you will need a prop such as a block or blanket that you will place underneath your sacrum. This pose is done by lying on your back, placing your feet hips width distance apart, lifting your hips on an inhale and on your exhale letting your hips rest on the prop underneath you. There should be no pain in this posture, stay for as long as feels good. This posture is a backbend. Backbends force us to open our hearts to the world, however doing it in this way is a soft and nourishing opening that allows you to feel supported and at ease throughout the process.

Mantras for each Human Design Type:

Manifestor -- I am allowed to be the leader of my life, I am not here to live up to others ideas of me.

Generator — I am allowed to say no, I am allowed to choose how I want to live my life.

Manifesting Generator - I am a master at transformation. When who I am and what I am doing no longer sparks my joy, I let it go with ease.

Projector — I am allowed to slow down and go within in order to understand my gifts. When I know my gifts, the world will see them too.

Reflector — I am allowed to remove myself from all environments and relationships that no longer serve me, I am allowed to be discerning of how I spend my time.

Here’s to the next chapter, may it find you feeling more aligned than ever before.


Own Your Energy


Human Design 101 — Energy Types