THE SOLAR PLEXUS — Human Design and Your Mental Health

The solar plexus centre is arguably one of the most impactful and telling pieces of our chart when it comes to mental health. It is one of the areas we can either impact or be impacted by others emotions the most. The amount of people to have this centre defined verse undefined is about 50/50. The solar plexus speaks to how and why we feel emotion. It impacts how we are meant to make decisions, how quickly we are meant to take action, if our emotions can impact others, how our emotions impact us and more. Without knowing how our solar plexus centre impacts each of us individually, we can be driven by our emotions. When we can look at our charts and understand where our emotions are coming from, we can work with them, make peace with them, learn from them and even love them. 

We can all serve from accepting, leaning into and working with our emotions, instead of fighting against them, judging them and judging ourselves for how we feel. 

Emotions and emotional regulation go hand in hand with our mental health. How we feel, how we deal with those feelings, how we understand our feelings… these are all factors that point to the stability of our mental health. 

If your goal is to strengthen your mental health by learning how to work with and understand your emotions, understanding your solar plexus centre is a good place to start.


If you have an undefined solar plexus you are what is known as an non-emotional. However, this name is very deceiving. Those with an undefined solar plexus may often feel emotions even more deeply than those with a defined solar plexus. This is because those with an undefined solar plexus do not create their own emotions. When they are on their own, non-emotionals feel grounded, calm and collected. It is their environment that dictates how they feel as they pick up emotions from people or situations around them. When you pick up on the emotions of those around you, you then magnify them and reflect them back. So if you are a non-emotional working with an emotional who is feeling sadness at a 3/10, you may start feeling sad at a 6/10. Non-emotionals are the typical empath. They are walking around absorbing the emotions and energy of all going on around them. That can feel quite overwhelming. When you understand that this sadness is coming from an outside source, you can separate yourself from it instead of getting overly involved with the emotion. Your emotions are no longer running the show and you can learn how to work with and regulate all that is stirring within you. 

Tips for living with an undefined solar plexus 

  • Remind yourself that what you are feeling is often not your own

  • Take space to be alone 

  • Separate yourself from the emotions around you

  • Find ways to “empty out” the emotions you took on throughout the day 

  • Voice to those around you the emotions you are picking up


Those with a defined solar plexus are known as emotionals. As an emotional, your emotions are always coming from within. You can wake up feeling any type of way for no apparent reason, it is just how you are feeling in that moment. Unlike non-emotionals, your emotions do not always have a cause or reason. So it is not always helpful for you to try to unpack your emotions or figure out the source. Instead, it is helpful to simply let them be. In human design we say that each emotional is on a “wave.” Your emotions are like a wave and you are riding on that wave - you might as well flow with it instead of trying to fight against it. Ride your wave and use whatever you are feeling to your advantage, knowing that soon the wave will pass and a new emotion will take its place. Know that as an emotional, you do not physically feel others emotions. There are many other places in your chart you can feel and take on others energy, but emotions is not one of them. But, you are greatly impacting others around you by your emotions, so expressing how you are feeling and being aware of how it is impacting others is important. It also serves you best to take your time making decisions, watching how you feel about a decision throughout different phases of your emotions. The decisions meant for you are the ones that feel right over time, not only when you are happy or sad… This ensures you are making your decisions from a grounded place, versus an emotional place. Knowing that your emotions may not always have a cause or explanation can help you lean into them instead of overanalysing and feeling controlled by them. 

Tips for living with a defined solar plexus

  • Wait to make a decision 

  • Lean in to your emotions instead of trying to fight against them 

  • Observe and learn about your wave - how you feel during a low part of your wave, a high part, and in-between 

  • Trust each emotion will pass 

  • Learn what best serves you during each part of your wave 

  • Accept and understand your emotions without overanalysing them 

  • Communicate how you are feeling to those around you 

Is your solar plexus defined or undefined? How does this impact you? If you would like support in discovering your chart, what this means for you, or tools to work with your human design please reach out.


Existential Thoughts written by a Scorpio Rising


Human Design and Your Mental Health