Human Design and Your Mental Health

Human design is not only a fun system to play with. It can be used to understand ourselves on a deep level and apply practical tools to feel more grounded, understood and whole. It can explain why we function how we function, why we may feel the way we feel, why there are times we feel anxious, depressed, hopeless, scared… and provide tools to return us to centre.

There are key pieces of our chart that speak to our mental health. Some of these pieces pop up when we are not living aligned with our design and we only need to know how to work with our energy and come back to ourselves. Some pieces are a part of who we are and it is about learning how to work with these energies and not against.

Learning about my human design has helped me understand, regulate and work with my emotions, my anxiety, and more. It is my goal to help people better understand themselves so they can realign to their intuition and strengthen their mental health.

One of the most powerful ways our human design chart can show us how our mental health can be impacted is through our undefined centres. These are the centres in your chart that are white, or not coloured in.

Each person will have different centres in their human design chart undefined. You can have anywhere from none to all of your centres undefined.

On a high level, undefined centres are where you are easily impacted by the energy around you.

The energy you feel here will be inconsistent and irregular because it is dependent on your environment.

These centres are places in your chart where you can pick up on energies that are not your own without realizing. You then amplify and reflect back that energy, magnifying it all so you often feel the energy even more strongly than the source it is coming from.

All of this may leave you feeling overwhelmed, dysregulated, ungrounded, confused, tired, high and low…

Each centre holds its own theme so the exact energetic flavour you experience is dependent on the centre you are dealing with and how it is interacting with your environment and the rest of your chart.

If you would like to know about the undefined centres in your chart and how to use Human Design to support your mental health, please reach out.


THE SOLAR PLEXUS — Human Design and Your Mental Health


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