The Messy Magic of Relationships

There is a quote that says you become the sum of the five you people you spend the most time with. I think, for most people, this has some degree of truth to it. You can’t help but be impacted by the energy you surround yourself with consistently.

Relationships are messy. They’re messy because people are messy. Putting two (or more) imperfect people (therefore everyone) in any sort of close connection with each other is going to bring stuff up. If it doesn’t, it probably means someone in the relationship is people pleasing in order to appease or avoid confrontation. But by doing that you are also missing out on so much magic. Relationships are part of the messy magic it is to be human.

We are here to grow in relationship with others. Relationships allow us to know ourselves deeper. If we let them, they can bring to light the pieces of ourselves we still need to work on. They can bring up triggers, shadows, the mess and broken bits inside of us that we may be shoving down or avoiding.

We’re all a little broken. Full of cracks and imperfections. Find the people who make you feel more whole. Find the people who make you love yourself, exactly as you are, a little bit more. Stay with the people who see the magic in you. And don’t forget, the person who you are in the closest relationship to is yourself.

The deeper your love, acceptance and connection is with yourself, the deeper you can go with another. It can be easier, and tempting, to not dig into the depths of our hurt, but the caveat is, it doesn’t allow you to dig into the depths of love. Imagine how it would feel if someone loved and accepted all of you, every single part, exactly as you are.

Because, what that quote forgets to remind you is that out of those five people, the person who you are with the most is yourself. Don’t neglect the relationship with yourself. Bring out the best in yourself. See the magic in yourself. Accept and love your broken pieces - all of you, even your cracks and imperfections.


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