You are Not a Niche

These days it feels like everyone wants to be able to define themselves as a clear niche. In the social media world, knowing your niche is marketed as the key to success. Of course I am not saying that this might not be a helpful business technique, but when it comes to our personal identity and sense of self, this feels not only constricting but damaging.

We are full of so many nuances and contradictions - our truth and authenticity can change and expand at any given moment.

It is impossible to put ourselves into a box or define ourselves by one label or niche. It is impossible to completely figure ourselves out!

Sometimes it seems everyone is trying to figure out who they are and place themselves into categories as a way of controlling. If everyone is categorised by a niche we think we can better understand ourselves and others. We believe that through someone’s niche we can more easily know what to expect of each other. While this may be true to a certain degree, it does not allow for true deep understanding. When we approach each individual as an individual, we can meet people through a lens of curiosity and wonder. We don’t need to control who they are or predict their next move, we can simply be present as they interact with the world.

We allow niches to be our internal compass. We think we can more easily predict our future because our niche defines the choices we will make, the steps we will take, the direction our lives will lead. But that prediction is an illusion. We are going to be different by the time that future rolls around. That niche does not account for our constant ebbs and flows, fluctuations and evolutions. If we continue to abide by that niche forever, we do not allow ourselves to tap in to our intuition.

Instead of focusing on figuring out what our niche is, why don’t we focus on how to tap into our intuition. Why don’t we focus on learning how to connect with ourselves with more ease. This will allow us to understand who we are in each present moment. If we learn about and strengthen this connection to our intuition, we recognise it is okay to not predict the future. We can trust ourselves to make the right decision in each moment based on our intuition and truth, versus an illusion of control and curated identity.

We do not have to present ourselves as constructed labels. We do not have to monetise our identities. We do not have to use labels to understand others or predict the future. We can rely on our intuition to guide and define us. We can watch in wonder as others do the same.

You are way more than a niche.


The Messy Magic of Relationships

