New Moon in Pisces

This months New Moon takes place in Pisces on February 19th.

Oh, Pisces. I, personally, do not always vibe with the Pisces energy. But, being a double Virgo, this makes sense. Pisces sits exactly opposite on the astrological wheel and therefore is the sign that contains the most conflicting characteristics to Virgo. Some of the reasons we may find certain signs more challenging or confronting is because they hit on spots we may need to embrace more, or that are different from us and make us feel uncomfortable.

Pisces is a water sign. It teaches us to go with the flow, let go of control, release planing, and embrace life as it comes to us. Pisces is a very intuitive and spiritual sign. They teach us that, instead of planing, we can trust our intuition and float along on that guidance. This water energy also brings out the emotions. Pisces are one of the more emotional signs. They feel deeply, and let these emotions flow through them freely. A New Moon in this sign can bring up a lot of emotion. It is important to let these emotion be felt in a way and space that feels open and safe to you. Without this container to feel your emotions, they can overwhelm you, or you can turn to suppressing them and pushing them away. Pisces are also dreamers; they have amazing imaginations and creativity. However, they can get caught up in the dream world they make in their heads and exclude the grounded reality of a situation. This can lead to numbing, being out of touch with reality, and unhealthy coping mechanisms.

New Moons are a time for intention setting. A time to create clarity around what you want to bring into your life this moon cycle and how you are going to take steps to make it happen. It is a time to tune into your intention, trust your spiritual guidance, and dream new dreams for yourself. A Pisces New Moon asks us to embrace our emotions, trust our intuitions, day dream a little and go with the flow. However, it can be easy to get swept up in the fantasyland and numbing this sign can bring. Sometimes it is helpful and healthy to get lost in the dream world, other times it is important to maintain balance. This New Moon, due to other astrological factors at play, it is important to stay grounded, present and in touch with the world around us. To find the balance between floating and grounding, dreaming and living, letting go and planing.

Let your heart guide you to new ideas and manifestations, and then create intentions to bring them into your reality. Use this Pisces energy, that is within all of us, to dream and trust yourself that you have the ability to brings these dreams into your life.

Journal Prompts:

Where in your life are you holding on too tightly to control? Where in your life are you avoiding or numbing? Where in your life could you use more balance? How can you start to bring more balance to these areas of your life?

What coping mechanisms do you turn to often in order to numb yourself? How can you bring more awareness to these?

What is something you find yourself daydreaming about? What dream do you want to make a reality? What small steps can you take this month that will bring you closer to that dream?

Plants to work with:

Seaweed - this plant pairs beautifully with Pisces energy. The symbol for Pisces is two fish swimming in opposite directions and Pisces are known for their love of water. Seaweed can help us tap into our subconscious, the parts of ourselves growing underneath the surface. However, they’re still rooted and grounded into the ocean floor. They flow with the water, and yet stay connected to where they are planted. That is the energy this New Moon is asking us to embody.

Eyebright - this plant engages the third eye, helps improve psychic powers, and helps us tap into our intuition. She reminds us to trust ourselves, our inner knowing, and our visions for our futures and helps us trust that what we seek is ours to claim.

Hibiscus - this plant is connected to our Root and Sacral chakras, the lower chakras that help us stay grounded and rooted to ourselves and the earth. They provide us with safety, stability and comfort. Hibiscus allows us to feel safe and open connecting to our intuition, our heart, our emotions, and our dreams. That safety reminds us we do not need to numb, suppress, or ignore our emotions or our reality.

Yoga and Mindfulness Practices:

Conscious Daydreaming - Everyone daydreams! Daydreaming can be fun, a helpful manifestation tool, and provide a much needed break for our brains. However, too much of it can lead to disassociating or separation from reality. Conscious Daydreaming gives us the space to create boundaries with this practice. Set a timer for 5-20 minutes. Create a nice space for yourself to sit or lay down, if possible do so outside. Then let your mind wander and go into fantasyland. This is kind of like meditation except all you need to do is focus on your dreams. After the timer is up, grab your journal….

Intention Setting - After you finish daydreaming, grab your journal and create intentions around your dreams. Honestly, intention setting is a powerful part of any New Moon ritual, but for Pisces energy it can be especially crucial. Pisces can get stuck in the dreaming phase and never take action on those dreams. Creating intentions is an action that reminds us our dreams are meant to be lived, and helps us plan how we are going to make them happen.

Pranayama - When it comes to Pisces, I do not think it is important to specify one type of pranayama. Pisces can struggle with routine, rules and structure. It can be freeing to allow yourself to intuitively pick a breath-work practice that calls to you, it can be as simple as breathing in for two seconds and out for four. The structure of sitting down and doing something more regimented and organised can help ground Pisces energy. It can feel empowering to know that you are taking action and following some sort of routine.

You can always look up some simple suggestions online or reach out to me if you would like more help in picking personalised practices!

Happy New Moon





The Messy Magic of Relationships