Human Design 101 — Energy Types

HUMAN DESIGN 101—- Energy Types

Just as with Astrology, you use your date, time and place of birth to look up a chart which leaves you with a variety of information about yourself. Human Design is quite in depth and the more I learn, the more I realise how deep it goes. Therefore, it can be quiet confusing and overwhelming when you’re first diving in. However, just as with Astrology, there are some basic components of your chart that you can begin with. The first being your Energy Type. And that is what we will begin with today.

You will be one of five different Energy Types — Manifestor, Generator, Manifesting Generator, Projector, Reflector.

I want to start off by saying that no one is greater than the other, they all have such beautiful magical different gifts and the more you learn about your type, hopefully the more you will come to love it and love yourself on a deeper level. All of this information is here to serve as a guide. Human Design is meant to reconnect you to your intuition, realign you with your souls purpose, and remind you who you truly are. When learning about your design — keep what resonates, what lifts you up, what provides deeper understanding and insight, and leave the rest for now.

Additionally, I am going to start off simple and to the point. I will go more in depth with time and would LOVE to connect with you about your specific chart.

Today I just want to start off with - what is an energy type?

They are called Energy types because each type uses its energy in different ways and interacts with the world differently.

Some types have more internal energy that they can create on their own and share with the world. Others, have less of their own energy and rely on the waves of others.

Some energy types can trust and act on their urges in the moment while others need to wait for clarity.

Each type is perfectly designed to interact with the world in the way they are meant to.

Of course, there are only five types and so many unique humans, therefore no one person of any type is the same. As you go through the chart you start to layer on and see a more clear picture of who you are. And if you would like a reading please reach out!!!!!!

However, it is helpful to start with energy type because how you use your energy and communicate with the universe is known through your energy type. Energy type is what tells you how to exchange energy with the world around you. Everything around you is an energetic transaction. There are some similarities that each type will have and when you are able to master your Energy Type, everything else falls into place with ease and clarity.

Next week I’ll go into the specific energy types and some details about each.


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