PLANT TALK - Resilient Spring Blooms

As we continue walking through Spring, I am constantly in awe of the magic of nature.

Everyday I wake up and new flowers are blooming, colours are brightening, the world is bursting with aliveness. Even with the grey days, fierce winds, and harsh rain, nature shines.

I am especially inspired by the flowers and plants that thrive in the most unlikely of places - the country roads and highways passed by people and cars and tractors and horses. The plants that are growing through the cracks in the pavement. The plants gaining strength even though no one takes care of them, supports them, sees them, even when they are stepped on and plowed through.

There are several of these types of plants growing around me in England and I thought I would dedicate this post to the strength of three of these green spring blooms. — Cleavers, Nettle and Jack by the Hedge.

Cleavers -

Key Points - supports liver, lymph, digestion, hormones, immune system, rest

This plant is a demulcent, which means it works similarly to how a cough drop impacts one’s throat. Cleavers helps soothe inflammation and irritation within the body, especially in the skin, gut and bladder. Because of this, it is amazing for swelling and circulation. It also supports the liver and lymphatic system and by doing so strengthens digestion, hormonal balance and the skin detox process. It encourages a gentle liver cleanse and this helps all processes work smoothly.

Energetically, cleavers help us find peace and remind us to pause before and after taking action. It makes sense it grows abundantly during spring, to help us fully rest before jumping into the action that summer time can bring.

It is best taken as a cold water infusion, but can be taken in other forms as well.

Stinging Nettle -

Key Points - replenishes nutrients, immune system, boundaries, supports emotionally and physically vulnerable states

Nettle is one of my favourite plants. It is bountiful everywhere and you can use all parts of the plant as medicine. However, you have to be careful with it since it contains stings that can leave your skin itchy and burning. It is full of nutrients that help us replenish, especially vitamin K and iron. It is an anti-inflammatory, anti-histamine, and anti-rhumatic. Because of all of this, it supports weakened systems and physically or emotionally vulnerable states. This can take many different forms such as a weakened immune system, chronic fatigue, post-natal, and post surgery. The root of the plant is known to support the prostate, and the seeds are known to support the kidney.

Energetically, this plant reminds us to set boundaries, make decisions and pushes us to take action.

Jack by the Hedge (garlic mustard) -

Key Points - liver, digestion, immune system, growth, protection, boundaries

This plant has similar properties to wild garlic and mustard. Similar to these plants, it has a firey taste and therefore has a firey effect on the body. It supports the liver which allows it to aide digestion and our bodies natural detoxification systems. It is also an anti-infective, contains vitamins A and C and helps strengthen the immune system. It is good for asthma, rheumatism, gout and holds diuretic properties. It is known to support growth and development in people of all ages. Energetically, this plant helps with transitions, protection and boundaries between different realms.

Together, these plants would make a perfect mix for a spring medicine. This can be taken as a tea, tincture, elixir, or (my favourite) a fire cider.


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