Full Moon in Libra

This week (the peak being Wednesday or Thursday depending on time zone) we have the Full Moon in Libra.

Libras are known to be peacekeepers. This sign is all about finding, restoring and maintaining balance. Libras tend to focus on keeping everyone happy and doing what is fair for all. The sign of Aries, which is the season we are still in, is much more individualistic and focused on the “I” of it all. Libra is more preoccupied with relationships and with the “we.” This full moon brings our relationships into focus. It allows us to see clearly how we are impacted by our relationships and how we impact those around us. This full moon brings us more connected to what our intuition is telling us about our relationships - which relationships are serving us, which relationships must be reconfigured, and which relationships it is time to let go of.

Sometimes, the Libra energy can push us to seek peace for others at all costs, and in result costing us our own internal peace. Allow this intersection of Aries and Libra energy bring you into balance within your focus - continue to prioritise yourself while also finding peace within your relationships. Remember, just because a relationship doesn’t work out, does not mean that it was a failure or something to feel shame around. Sometimes you have to let someone else down in order to find peace and balance within yourself. Sometimes finding balance means first falling out of balance.

Libra is a sign associated with Venus, the planet of love. She tends to emit a softer, more lunar energy and loves all things beautiful, aesthetic and luxurious. Libra is also an air sign, encouraging the use of your voice in all forms. Speak your mind, tell those you love how much you love them, allow yourself to soften and show yourself as much compassion and acceptance as you can.

Overall, this full moon is going to reveal something to each of us about what we are healing within our relationships. Stay open and curious to how this may show up for you.

Journal Prompts:

Which relationships in my life am I the most grateful for? Are there any relationships in my life that are no longer serving me? Are there any relationship dynamics in my life that need readjusting?

Do I like who I am and how I am showing up in all of my relationships?

Do I feel at peace and balanced within my relationships? Do I feel at peace and balanced within myself?

What patterns am I repeating in my relationships that I am ready to let go of?

What are my relationships teaching me right now?

Plants to Work With:

Cleavers - this plant helps us find internal balance by supporting our hormones. When our hormones our balanced, our whole body can work properly. Cleavers also aide the liver and lymphatic system.

Vervain - this plant is also very supportive of our hormonal balance and is one of the best plants for soothing anxiety. Vervain also is anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and supports heart health.

Primrose - another plant that supports our hormonal balance and especially aides in skin health. This flower is beautiful and feminine, allowing us to connect to aesthetic beauty during this time. This flower helps with creating balance during ones’ menstrual cycle and supporting PMS symptoms. She can also support fatigue and fertility.

Yoga/Mindfulness Practices:

Relationship Inventory - write down the top relationships in your life. These are the people you spend the most time with, who you think about the most, who you are most impacted by, the relationships you are the most invested in. Underneath each name, give yourself time to write about what this relationship feels like to you. Write about this relationship dynamic, who you are in this relationship, and what it means to you. Do not edit or judge yourself or what you write. Afterwards, reread what you wrote and check in with how you feel. Write down whether this relationship feels at peace, needs readjusting, or needs releasing.

Make Art - Libras love to connect to art and art therapy can be so healing. The key to art therapy is not judging what you create. Although Libras love things that look beautiful, do not get caught up in perfectionism. Allow yourself to create simply for the act of creating and connecting to yourself and others. If you are an artist, choose whatever creative project is calling to you. If you are not, and it is harder for you to start an art project, find any type of creative project that feels easiest to begin. This can be doodling, painting, graphic design, taking an art class... Bonus points if you do it with a friend in typical Libra fashion.

Attend a Yoga or Breathwork Class - our spiritual practices are what help us ground, found our balance and connect to both ourselves and others. Libra full moons beg for togetherness and peace and what a better way to tap into this energy than joining with others to find balance. Breathwork especially is known to promote balance and equilibrium within all aspects of our wellbeing

Nadi Shodhana - if you want a pranayama practice to do on your own, I highly recommend Nadi Shodhana. It is my ultimate favourite and one that I practice everyday. It is known for balancing every part of you - it balances your chakras, balances the feminine and masculine energy, balances your energy, and promotes balance in mind, body and spirit. This practice has many different levels to it and the more you practice, the deeper you can go and I recommend working with a teacher if you are interested in going further.

But you can start simply here - using your right hand, take your ring and middle fingers and tuck them into your palm - you will only need your pinky and pointer fingers for this practice. Exhale through both nostrils and as you inhale, close your right nostril off with your thumb so you are only breathing through your left nostril. On your exhale, block off your left nostril with your pointer finger so you are only breathing out of your right nostril. As you inhale breathe in through your right nostril, and then switch breathing out through your left nostril. So the pattern goes like this — breathe in through left, out through right, in through right, out through left, in through left… and so on. Try to keep your breath as steady and slow as possible, elongating your breathe as feels right. . You can add a slight pause in your breath in between inhales and exhales if that feels easeful to you.

As always - do not hesitate to reach out with any questions or comments.

I hope this full moon brings you feeling balanced and at peace with your internal and external worlds.


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