November Lessons, December Intentions
The fog is rolling in fast and thick these last few days. The perfect energy to sit down, pause and reflect. I can not believe it is already December. Honestly, much of November has been about integrating and recovering from all that came up in October. As I think back on November, three key themes arise: boundaries, support, softening.
Boundaries. Honestly, I feel like I am a boundary queen. To many of my friends, I am known as the one with the ability to confidently establish and maintain healthy boundaries. This month, however, has reminded me that boundaries can be really challenging, especially when you are trying to establish them with people who you are not as comfortable with or close to. It can be hard to stay true to your boundaries when the person you are dealing with does not understand them. Stand your ground anyway. They do not need to understand. It is ok for you to be misunderstood. It is ok to speak your needs, let your voice be heard and do what is best for you, regardless of how others respond. We can not base our decisions and actions off of what may be easiest or “people please” our way into a life best suited for us. Living authentically and intuitively means being honest and speaking up for ourselves.
Support. This month, I’ve also been reminded that sometimes being intuitive means knowing when you can’t be intuitive. In other words, knowing when your thoughts may be otherwise influenced or clouded and you need support and guidance. It may seem like your intuition is telling you one thing, but you also know it may be influenced by fear or old patterns. Sometimes old ways of being can be so deeply engrained, they override any possibility of trusting our intuition. So, you let your intuition guide you to who you can trust and lean on. This may be a professional, for example a therapist or coach, or a friend or family member.
Softening. One of the biggest parts of my recovery has been about learning how to soften. It has also been one of the most challenging aspects for me. My anxiety tells me to control, push and move quickly, that I need to do everything from a space of heightened intensity. Anxiety has created the connection in my brain that stress = safety. I have had to rewire my nervous system and thought patterns around rest in order to teach my brain and body that it is safe to soften and feel at ease. My intuition reminds me that by softening and slowing down, I am safe, I am healing, I am able to live from a centred, aligned and grounded space. My old way of living simply doesn’t work anymore. This month has forced me to lean into this more than ever.
December for me is about staying confident in my boundaries, leaning on my trusted people for support, and allowing myself the freedom to soften.
I am feeling excited about December. As I tune into the incoming energy, it feels hopeful, spacious, grounded and healing. It feels challenging yet soft, in a growth-giving and humbling way.
What about you? I would love to know what November lessons you are reflecting on and your intentions and hopes for December.