New Moon in Taurus

This week, Friday May 19th, we have the New Moon in the sign of Taurus. It is currently Taurus season so we have been feeling into some of this energy for the last few weeks.

Taurus season brings us some grounding and stability after the fire that Aries season initiates. Taurus is an earth sign so it is sturdy, focused, reliable. It deals with the material world, and keeps us grounded in reality. This energy has been very much needed throughout the craziness of the eclipses, especially this most recent full moon in Scorpio.

Taureans are all about the five senses - what they can feel and see and hear and taste and smell and how to make that the best experience possible. They love to indulge in what they love. They love to pamper and be pampered. They love to be with the ones they love and seek comfort and pleasure.

This Taurus new moon is asking us to indulge in the people, places, activities and things we love. To embrace and squeeze out all the joy we can and really revel in it. It is especially potent during this time - we need it and we deserve it. The Scorpio Full Moon put us to work and now it is time to regroup, reconnect and replenish.

New Moon’s are also about new beginnings. Notice any newness springing into your life - whether this is something new you are loving, a new hobby you are starting, a new person entering your life - pay attention and make note, watch how this develops for you in the coming weeks.

There is also the energy of transformation happening in the skies. This supports these new beginnings you may be calling in or entering into. Something in your life is wanting to transform, shift, evolve - big or small. This may be something for you to simply notice or you may be ready to take action and step towards this transformation with the grounding support of Taurus. Whatever happens or however you are feeling, trust that you are supported and prepared for what lays ahead.

Journal Prompts :

How can I bring more joy and pleasure into my life?

What is my relationship like with pleasure? Do I allow myself to feel pleasure? Do I allow myself to make time for what I love?

What in my life is transforming? What newness is entering my life?

Do I feel prepared to handle these changes? What tools can I rely on to support me at this time?

Plants to Work With :

Sage - clears your head and creates clarity, supports lymphatic and immune systems

Mugwort - supports mental health struggles, chronic fatigue, insomnia, digestion

Primrose flower - embodies and evokes the energy of play, helps with inflammation and any hormonal imbalances

Yoga/Mindfulness Practices :

Joy Practice - give yourself time to indulge in something you love. Write it down in your calendar, tell your loved ones about it, whatever you have to do to make sure that you carve out this time for yourself. It can be as simple as extra time to enjoy your favorite meal, reading a book, going to see a movie, or going to a concert, spending time with someone you love…. the list is endless. Allow yourself to be fully present and embody the joy and pleasure this brings you.

Create Ambiance - since Taurus is all about the senses and finding comfort in what is around you, take time to really romanticise your space. Light candles, put on music, wear your favourite clothes, wrap yourself in a blanket, put your feet in the grass, open the windows… whatever makes you feel connected to yourself and your sensuality.

Earthing - Taurus is an earth sign and is deeply connected to the ground beneath our feet. This is an extra powerful time to place your feet on the earth and soak up the energy that mother nature is offering. This is proven to help ground our nervous systems and ease anxiety.

Cat/Cow Posture - the flow between these two postures really allows you to feel into your body. You get on all fours and feel the ground beneath you. Slowly, as you inhale, start to lift your head to the sky while arching your back. On your exhale, bring your chin in to your chest and round your back like a cat. Flow between these two postures with your breath for as many rounds as feels good. Allow yourself to close your eyes, move your spine in any direction, make it as big or as small as feels good, make it your own and really feel the movement.


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