Human Design 101

I have been obsessed with Human Design for some time now. I remember sitting in a cafe outside my college campus with my best friend telling her about this new modality I had just discovered, simultaneously trying to make sense of it all while also feeling inexplicably connected to it. Little did I realise then how much of an impact it would have on me later on.

Just as with Yoga Therapy and Herbalism, I spent years immersing myself in learning about this art before realising how passionate I was about it. For months all I could talk about was Human Design, I’ve spent all of my free time learning about it, reading about it, thinking about it. Then suddenly, I was hit with the epiphany that I wanted to make this part of my life’s work. It’s always crazy to me looking back that I didn’t see it coming.

I recently took the plunge and am now a certified Human Design Reader through Jenna Zoes’ training. Learning about this science has lit me up in ways I did not believe were possible. I could not be more excited to share this new offering with you.

Human Design fits perfectly into the offerings I hope to give the world — It is all about reconnecting to your intuition and realigning with who you are truly here to be. This work can be incorporated into a session with Yoga Therapy and/or Herbalism - to me they all fit hand in hand in this process. Or you can do a Human Design Session on its own!

However, Human Design is relatively new on the scene and not as well known as other sciences in its scope such as Astrology. So —- what is Human Design?

Human Design is derived from four difference sciences / arts = the Charkas system, Kabbalistic Tree of Life, I Ching, and Astrology. It is the science of the aura and energetic body to get you to where you are supposed to be going in this lifetime.

In a Human Design session, we will delve into the uniqueness of your chart. Every new chart I look at leaves me in awe of the special magic of each individual. Your chart is basically a roadmap to your energy in this lifetime.

I can’t wait to connect with you about your chart!!


Human Design is quite in depth and the more I learn, the more I realise how deep it goes. Therefore, it can be quiet confusing and overwhelming when you’re first diving in. However, just as with Astrology, there are some basic components of your chart that you can begin with. The first being your Energy Type. Next week I will be posting a blog all about Energy Types, how to find yours and simple core components of what that means.


April Reflections and May Intentions


13 Things