April Reflections and May Intentions


I was expecting April to be a chill springy sunshine easy breezy month.

All the astrological signs pointed to March being chaotic and then… spring. So I prepared for March, soaked it in when it turned out more magical and calm than anticipated, and eagerly awaited Spring.

Unfortunately, England didn’t get my message.

April has been kind of hard. Just kind of… blah… you know? And I’m ready for sparkly and fairy dust (it’s coming this summer I know it).

April has been rainy. Pretty dreary and slightly cold with short bursts of sunshine in-between. I’ve been keeping my spirits up with warm mugs of tea, and pouring myself into my passions. I.E. — herbalism and human design (yoga too of course but that’s an old fact).

If you didn’t see my previous blog post, I am now officially a certified Human Design Reader. I COULD NOT be more excited. Truly. Delving into human design fully and immersing myself in this training has lit my soul up in ways I didn’t know (or forgot) existed.

Even though I am confused how I didn’t realise I wanted to become a reader earlier, this course came at the exact time I needed it to (thanks Universe). A reminder to always trust the timing.

But you know what they say… April showers bring May flowers. So, Universe, if you didn’t hear me the first time, I am ready for that warm sunshine please.

My intention for April was to welcome whatever was present for me with open arms, no expectations or judgments. I did try my best to do just that.

My intention for May is to bring the internal sunshine, regardless of what is happening externally. Not by forcing positivity and happiness when I’m feeling down, but by taping into the light within me that is ever present. By bringing that light into every situation and letting it spill out through me.

May is also my last month in England — I finish my apprenticeship and fly back to the U.S. at the end of this month! So I want to focus on the magic here, the joy I have found, all I have learned, the transformations and growth that have happened for me here. Wow it’s been a wild ride.

By the end of this month, I’ll be somewhere completely new. I can’t wait.


Human Design 101 — Energy Types


Human Design 101