13 Things

Another month another thirteen things on my mind…

  1. Life is not about how things appear on the outside, it is how things truly feel and are experienced within you — I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. This has become a life mantra for me.

  2. No one else truly knows how something feels for you, but you. Learn how to listen to and trust yourself.

  3. Everyone’s healing journey is different. Only you truly know if you are moving forward and pushing yourself. If you’re doing the best you can in that moment, don’t let others make you feel otherwise. They are seeing life from their lens and their experience, not yours.

  4. Everyone always tells us to “know ourselves” but recently my understanding around this has shifted. Instead of knowing who you are and creating labels and identities for yourself in order to fit into one exact box, it is about knowing what you need, how you interact with the world, your energetic patterns… we are ever changing, allow your identities to change but understand who you are on a soul and energetic level.

  5. Do you give yourself freedom to show up new in each moment? Do you feel like you are allowed to change? To not make sense? To confuse people?

  6. We can not live our lives dependent on others desires and expectations of us. That only leads to burnout, resentment and bad energy.

  7. People are going to disappoint you. It is up to you how you want to move forward with that disappointment - talk about it with them, work through it with others, process it internally, make a change, let it go… but don’t let it sit within you and fester and build.

  8. Sometimes you’re going to disappoint people. Sometimes it’s because you’re an imperfect human and sometimes it’s because you’re being true to yourself. Know which is which and how to act in integrity in both scenarios.

  9. Everyday is a chance to shift slightly closer to the life of your dreams. Small shifts every day eventually lead to big changes. How can you take half a step forward in the directions of your dreams each day?

  10. Following your passions and what lights you up is not selfish, it is a gift to the whole world. When the world sees you shining, it gives everyone else permission to shine as well.

  11. Everyone has their own definition of freedom, success, joy… who are we to judge if their definition doesn’t look like ours or make sense to us. We should give each person the space to pursue their own definition of a life well lived.

  12. Sometimes I can get down by the thought that every original idea has already been said and that there’s nothing I can say that is completely unique or life-changing. But I try to remind myself that not everyone has heard everything that has been said or has heard it in the way or from the source that they need to hear it from. So maybe you’re that source for someone. Say what you feel you need to in the way that you need to. Do what you feel called to do. It’s ok others have said it or done it already - they can’t say it or do it like you.

  13. I’m obsessed with human design, I dare you to ask me about it. Even if you don’t I’ll probably talk to you about it anywayssssss.

What’s something that’s been on your mind recently? I’d love to know.


Human Design 101


New Moon and Solar Eclipse in Aries