Curiosity - the Medicine for Control

Earlier today I posted on instagram about curiosity (click here to read that post). In it I stated that — curiosity is the medicine for control.

Instead of seeking to predict and plan the future, we can stay open to all possibilities through curiosity. I stand by this. Staying curious is what allows us to feel peace with the unknown of the future, versus clinging to the illusion that we have any say in what happens. The idea of curiosity versus control fills me with such excitement and awe for this life. And, at the same time, it fills me with deep fear and anxiety.

If I admit that I have no control and there are unlimited ways this life can unfold, I begin to feel overwhelmed.

How will I know I’m going in the right direction? How will I know I can trust the path that I am walking down? How will I know which decision to make? Which fork in the road to take?

But then I remember the answer.

The answer? Your intuition.

We all have different ways our intuitions speak to us. In Human Design this is called your Authority. I wrote a brief explanation of each in this instagram post. When we know how to make decisions based on our intuition / inner authority, we never have to fear that we are making the wrong decision. Instead, we can continue to stay curious to what the world puts in our path and then make decisions based off of what we know is right for us in that moment.

Learning that I am an emotional authority has changed my life and helped deepen my trust in myself, my path, and the universe. Although I can still feel the need to control or the grips of my anxiety around the future, this grounded trust allows me to come back to the truth. The truth being: this life is unfolding for me to be the most aligned and whole version of myself and I am provided with all the tools and gifts to live this out.

The more we lean into curiosity and stay open to life, the more we are able to receive life in a way that is far greater than we could have imagined for ourselves.

Is there a situation in your life that you can invite more curiosity into? A place where you feel fear around the unknown and the desire to control the outcome?

I am inviting more curiosity into this next chapter of my life of starting my business, meeting new people, and living in North Carolina. I am relying on my intuition, my Emotional Authority, to help me do so.

If you would like to know more about your Authority and how to work with it and other parts of your Human Design chart, feel free to let me know I would love to support you.


I Don’t Know


Full Moon In Sagittarius