March Reflections and April Intentions

March has been quite a wild ride. I can’t believe the month is already over. The first two weeks I spent in Italy which was quite healing, transformative and expanding. The last two weeks I have spent re-grounding into life in England and integrating all that came up for me while I was away.

March has reminded me that so many different emotions, beliefs, experiences and intentions can all exist at one time. Some of the best days of your life can start out feeling like one of the worst. What in one moment can appear mundane, in the next can be seen as magic. What you once thought was the most important part of your life, can start to become something you’re ready to let go of.

We are all multifaceted, complex, unique individuals living in a confusing, paradoxical, contradictory world. All of us are ever evolving, and so is nature, the earth, the universe.. All of us and all of matter around us, are constantly expanding, transforming, contracting…

We spend so much time trying to understand, label and control ourselves, those around us, life, the world… and yet sometimes the bravest thing we can do is accept that we can not understand it all, nothing is under our control, and labels only limit us. Once we surrender to and accept these as truth, more understanding and awareness can flow to us without even trying.

March has reminded me that there is nothing I need to do, prove, have or be, to be enough. March has reminded me there is nothing I need to figure out, understand, or perfect in order to evolve. March has reminded me that as long as I remain open, the universe will place on my path what I need in each moment.

March has reminded me that I can feel heartbroken and in love at the same time, that I can feel deeply at peace and overwhelmed by chaos simultaneously, that I can find joy within my sadness and brought to tears by my joy.

March has reminded me that life doesn’t always make sense and that’s okay.

April holds endless possibilities. My intention is to walk into April with no expectations and be accepting to whatever is placed in my path. To welcome life with open arms and not fight what is present for me, regardless of my perception with it —- to remember that I have the ability to shift my perceptions and see things with a new perspective.

It seems like March was quite eye-opening for many of us, did you notice? Were you paying attention? Have you been able to give yourself the space to pause and reflect? I would love to hear what came up for you this last month and what you are bringing with you into April.


Full Moon in Libra


Start with the Pause