New Moon and Solar Eclipse in Aries

This week - Wednesday night or Thursday morning depending on your time zone - we have the New Moon in Aries. This is the second New Moon in Aries this Aries season, which does not happen often. As we discussed in last months Aries New Moon blog post, Aries energy is fiery. This New Moon is the last chance Aries gets in this cycle to let its’ presence be known… only hours later Aries season ends and Taurus season begins entering us into a very different energy (more on that at another time).

However, not only is this a New Moon, it is also a Solar Eclipse. Similarly to how the moon and sun move through different signs in cycles, so too do eclipses’. Up until this point we have had several years where our eclipses have been in the signs of Taurus and Scorpio. This weeks New Moon starts a new chapter of Eclipses’ that will now be in Aries and Libra (minus one last Eclipse in Scorpio in two weeks) for the next two years. All of this to say, this Eclipse marks the beginning of a new cycle.

New energy, new insights, new lessons to learn, new beginnings, new journeys to enter. A lot of change may begin happening around and within you.

As with every moon cycle, the specific area of your chart that this event lights up will be different for each individual and you can learn more about this by looking up your chart - I recommend the CHANI app. However, for everyone this marks the start of a new story.

We must give space for the change and healing and insight to come through. We must give space for the time to process and feel. We need to emphasis simply being. Rest is the most powerful thing you can give yourself this New Moon. The Aries energy may make this particularly hard but that makes it extra important to consciously choose to rest and slow down. Although Aries energy is fiery and energetic and bold, this energy comes in fits and spurts, it is not constant or stable. This New Moon asks us to work with the bursts of true excited energy that you may feel run through you, and then step back and rest, reset, and process. Also, watch out for any irritation, impatience, or anger that may arise - it is a sign that Aries energy is moving through you and something needs to be released or worked through.

When it comes to Eclipses’ the energy can be chaotic, confusing and possibly overwhelming. There is nothing you need to do but notice and observe what is coming up for you. Work through the emotions that are coming up for you, say no to what does not feel aligned for you, do what you need to to support yourself at this time.

Trust that you with space, you will process, learn and integrate what you need to in order to be prepared for this next chapter.

Journal Prompts:

Is there something in your life that you feel it is time to let go of?

Do you notice any change happening within or around you?

Is there something new that you are feeling called to explore or lean towards?

What new beginnings are entering your life?

Do you feel as if you are starting a new chapter? Either energetically or literally?

Plants to Work With:

Ashwagandha — this is an adaptogenic herb which means it is able to work with many different areas of the body and supports whatever you are needing support with in that moment. It is particularly helpful for alleviating anxiety, depression and stress.

Chamomile — the ultimate calming herb. This plant is perfect to utilise when the Aries energy may leave you feeling frazzled, unsettled and angry. It will help you sleep, soothe your nervous system and boost your immune system. It will also support protection as you enter this new chapter.

Rosehips — this plant will both help support you to rest, and support you when you need an extra boost of energy. They are full of vitamins and minerals to support the immune system, while also soothing anxiety and calming the mind.

Yoga/Mindfulness Practices:

Yoga Nidra - In Sanskrit Nidra means sleep. This is a type of yoga practice that has been known to ease trauma, anxiety, help with insomnia and overall provide a newfound level of peace, calm and rest. There are many guided Yoga Nidra classes online and I highly recommend finding one that works for you. If you would like a customised one, please do not hesitate to reach out.

Intuitive Movement / Restorative Yoga Class or Gentle Vinyasa Class - Sometimes, Aries need to move. Aries is one of the signs that, when too stagnant, can build up anger and frustration in an unhealthy way. However, we want to honour our bodies need for rest and space right now. If you have the ability to tune in to what your body is asking for in regards to movement and rest, fully lean in to that and give yourself the intuitive time it needs. Restorative yoga is always a powerful option and if your body is asking for slightly more movement, gentle Vinyasa classes can offer a lot of support as well.

Soul Journaling - This is a practice very similar to stream of consciousness journaling. However, you start at the top of your page and ask your soul a question. You can start by addressing your soul — you can address this however feels best for you - god, your name, universe, or simply leave that part out. And then ask a question. For example — soul, is there something you would like me to know?

In this case, as we are entering a new chapter, your soul may have lessons to integrate from the last few eclipses that it would like to get down. Or perhaps new thoughts to bring to your attention for this next cycle. Simply write with no thoughts or judgments. It may take a few moments for this to feel easeful and connected so give yourself time to warm up before stopping if it doesn’t feel natural at first. As with many practices, the more you practice this the louder your soul will speak to you and the more natural this will feel.

Wishing you a magical and easeful start to this next chapter. Remember, we’re all moving through this new, powerful, exciting yet overwhelming energy — be kind.


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