We’re Just Here for the Growth

Have you ever stopped to ask yourself who you are today? Have you ever stopped to question your thoughts, your opinions, your likes and dislikes, your words, your perspectives?

Sometimes I’ll catch myself saying something and realise - I don’t even believe that anymore, that was a past version of myself. I’m different now.

Sometimes I think I change my mind so much in one day that by the end I’m already a different person.

Maybe it’s just in my nature, but I embrace this part of myself. Although it can definitely be uncomfortable.

Change and the act of changing can be scary.

We often try to stay the same because we know the version of ourselves that people like and accept. We know what others expect from us and don’t want to shift the status quo. Or, we think that if we know who we are, we can have some semblance of control over the future.

It is scary to let go of this illusion of control that staying the same creates. But no matter what, we are all here to grow and evolve. It is unavoidable.

People assume we will stay the same. People get to know us and seek to understand us - so they place us in boxes in their minds. We all do it. And it’s a beautiful thing to feel understood and seen by others. It’s part of human nature to want that kind of connection.

I used to get caught up in the idea that the deepest kind of intimacy is someone who knows you so well they know everything about you. Now I feel that long lasting relationships have to leave space for the growth, the change, the transformation.

The most long lasting and impactful relationships I have in my life are the ones that have grown with me. The ones that know my ever evolving nature and accept it, embrace it, love it. The ones that want to know who I have been, who I am and who I am becoming. The ones that don’t try to keep me stuck in a label or fixed identity.

Growing becomes a lot easier when we let go of the need to always be understood. It is okay for people to misunderstand you.

The most important piece is that you accept yourself. When you know that - no matter what - you will accept yourself, it becomes a lot less important how others will react to your growth.

It is okay if sometimes you don’t even understand yourself. It’s okay if sometimes you surprise yourself with what you want, what you like, what you think, who you are becoming. In fact, maybe it’s exciting? Maybe it can be fun?

Often, as we transform, we are only growing more into ourselves - into the fullest expression of who we came here to be. If we were to keep ourselves stuck in a smaller, older, less aligned version of ourselves, we would be holding ourselves back from the full scope of magic we are meant to experience.

So how do we embrace change?

Set the intention to let yourself change.

Question yourself - question your beliefs, your likes, your dislikes.

Be open to being surprised - have fun with not knowing the next version of you.

Trust that the people who are meant to stay in your life will - they will grow with you and / or allow you to grow.

Accept yourself first - all of you.

You don’t need anyone else’s permission but your own but in case you need the extra push —

Here’s your permission slip to be someone unexpected.

Here’s your permission slip to step outside the box.

Here’s your permission slip to be someone who people don’t understand.


Life is Just an Experience


How to Find Magic