Virgo Full Moon

I am very excited about this full moon. As I said in last months Pisces New Moon post, I am a Virgo gal. I’ve got a lot of Virgo in my astrological chart and almost always feel at home in the Virgo energy. This Full Moon feels particularly magical though, and not just for me because it is in Virgo.

Something about March feels particularly potent. Seasonally, energy is shifting with spring coming and the astrological new year almost beginning. On an even larger scale, though, we are entering a new time. To me, it’s like a timer has been ticking and this month the alarm finally goes off. January and February have felt like the quiet and calm before the storm. And by storm I mean a time that can shake up all that is no longer meant for our lives, allow us to finally break free from old patterns and fully embody and step into a new elevated version of our truth. But, only if we allow it to. What a better way to usher in this transformation than with a Full Moon.

While the Pisces New Moon provided us the space and opportunity to delve deep into our dreams, the Virgo Full Moon emphasises the ability to take action. Virgo energy is action oriented, a bit perfectionistic, determined, and grounded. Virgo wants us to plan, make some lists, and start to check them off. We are still in Pisces season so Pisces energy is all around us. We can use the support of Virgo’s Full Moon to take our dreams out of our head and into reality.

However, make sure not to let the self-critical side of Virgo shoot yourself down and keep you stuck in self-doubt. Don’t get caught in overthinking - believe in yourself, trust yourself, accept yourself.

Take time this Full Moon to reflect on the dreams that have been circling around in your head the last few weeks. Which are the ones that have stuck around? What is it you truly desire? The dreams you dream are meant for your reality. Now is the time to make it happen.

Journal Prompts:

What is your hearts deepest longing?

What truly holds you back from stepping towards your dreams? What small steps forward can you begin with to make it feel approachable?

Where in your life do you experience the most self-doubt, perfectionism or controlling tendencies? Why do you think this is?

What does freedom mean to you? Do you feel this sense of freedom in your life often? How can you bring more freedom into your life?

Plants to Work With:

Fennel - this plant is ruled by Mercury, which is also the planet that rules Virgo. Fennel is said to regulate the nervous system and in turn help ease self-doubt, overthinking and sooth anxiety.

Chrysanthemum - this flower is the perfect flower for spring, and matches the optimistic energy that this time and this sign can bring. When Virgo doesn’t get caught up in overthinking and self-criticism, it is an energy that loves life and believes that life is on her side. This flower helps emphasis this belief.

Calendula - I use this plant often because it is one of my favourites. Calendula is perfect for this time because it continues to help you connect with your spirituality and intuition, as Pisces season does, but balances it out with a connection to the grounding energy of Virgo. It also promotes self-esteem, joy, and a connection to your purpose in life.

Yoga/Mindfulness Practices:

Create a Ritual - Virgo loves consistency, planing and routines. Use this Full Moon Virgo energy to set up a new routine for yourself. It can be as simple or as complicated as you would like. It doesn’t have to relate to spirituality or mindfulness, any activity or practice that excites your soul is the perfect routine to start integrating into your life. Even if you only try it once a week for two weeks. It is amazing the magic that can come from bringing more intention to our lives, creating small pockets in our days that we choose to make sacred.

Bhramari Pranayama (bee breath) - Place your thumbs in your ears so your ears are plugged and use your other fingers to cover your eyes. If it feels ok for you close your eyes. The idea is to have your senses shut down and to tap in to your internal world. Inhale through your nose and, as you exhale, keep your mouth closed but begin to hum. It will sound to you like a bee buzzing. Continue for a few minutes, keeping your breath steady and trying to make your exhales as long as possible without straining yourself. This may seem silly or weird at first but try it in earnest and you will see for yourself how soothing the effect is. The humming activates your vagus nerve which helps regulate your nervous system.

Break up with Routine - As much as Virgo loves a routine, it can also get too obsessive and attached to them. It can be freeing to do something different and even switching up something that may seem mundane can shift your energy and unlock new ideas. Perhaps go to a new cafe, take a different route on your walk, journal when you usually listen to music … find something that suites you.

As always, if you want help personalising these practices, please reach out!

Happy Virgo Full Moon xx.


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