Summer Reflections and September Intentions

A Very Special Edition - Get the Real Tea

Hi everyone!!

Welcome back to our monthly reflection and intention setting ritual.

Typically, we dedicate time in the beginning of every month to reflect on the month that has passed and set intentions for the month to come; I have a specific structure about how I go about that. But this month, I decided to do it a little bit differently because September marks one year of having the podcast and it also marks my birthday month.

In honour of all of that, I brought a very special guest on to the podcast to reflect not only on August and the summer, but also the year that has passed and to really hone in on our intentions for the month of September.

That guest is my mom. She is the person who knows me better than anyone and who has been witness to the evolution of Intuitively Wild this past year most intimately.

I’m so excited to share some of what we dug into together.

If you want to hear the whole conversation, head over to the podcast.

One Year of the Intuitively Wild Podcast

Together we reflected on the initial process of starting the podcast - how it came to be, why and what that looked like for me. I come back to the moment of finally deciding to start the podcast again and again. It serves as a reminder to myself about how things feel when they're aligned. Starting a podcast was something I always wanted to do but stopped myself out of fear, imposter syndrome, insecurity, overwhelm… but then all of a sudden, I was ready. I said to myself - I'm starting my podcast and I'm starting it now. That day I went online and bought all the equipment and researched all of the details and I just did it.

From the beginning, the podcast has been something that has been so easeful. I have never had a moment where I've struggled with it, where I haven't known when an episode was going to come out or when I was searching for guests and couldn't find one or where it felt like it wasn't meant to be. There was never a moment where I questioned it in this whole year. And for that I am so grateful.

The structure and intentions have continued to clarify and solidify though, and one thing is for sure - I want to continue to have conversations that allow us all to share our stories, shift away from shame, and reconnect us to ourselves, nature and each other. I want to prioritise episodes that help us ritualise intentional living and embody what it means to live intuitively wild - especially through reflecting, setting intentions, and sharing monthly rituals.

We also talk about lessons I’ve learned from starting, building and committing to an intuitively and intentionally led business - the challenges, the grief, the magic.

August Reflections

Technically, Summer goes until September 22nd when we have the autumnal equinox, but August feels like the last month that is really the heat of the summer before we start to feel the seasonal shifts. In recognition of that, we both shared our reflections on August and the Summer season.

My mom shared about in the beginning of Summer, and August, she had felt a certain amount of pressure to conduct Summer in a specific way. She was feeling a certain amount of shame and regret around feeling like she didn't do summer correctly.

But, when she decided to take pressure off herself to have to do something that she’s not even sure is coming from her own heart's desire, she was able to truly embrace the season more naturally.

It can be very easy for us to get swept up in what things should be like or what we thought they would be like and to stay really attached to that desire to control. It’s normal for us to want to control how things are going to look and what the plans are going to be like and what our summer is going to be when really we can't predict that.

We can't control that. Of course we can make plans and follow through on them and that's great, but ultimately what we need in each moment we will never know until we're in the moment. All we can do is show up for the moment and be present with what is and let that be enough and let that be perfect.

There can still be grief, frustration, angry, disappointment… felt in our experience not being what we thought it should be, we ca and frustration. However, what if we were able to put that aside and find peace with what is present and make space for the joy of just showing up with what is.

I think that that's an everyday commitment, honestly.


What was revealed for you in August or this summer?

Did you have expectations or should’s? Do you have regrets?

How can you reflect and reframe those?

What felt easeful and full and abundant in your life?

How can you prioritise both experiences and all emotions?


Seasonal Shifts - September

September is for Soft and Slow Space

Space for the present moment, space for shedding, space for joy.

Most of September lives in the sign of Virgo - which is my sign. Virgo is known for her precision, organisation, purity, perfection and structure.

At the same time, Virgo is a mutable sign and mutable signs are changeable. They're always transforming, evolving, adapting and shifting with ease.

That contrast within Virgo represents what we need to embrace when it comes to not only this seasonal shift, but also shifts in our life - having that steady foundation and groundedness in who we are and our values and our intentions while meeting life’s ongoing shifts. This allows us to be willing and open to change. This allows us to stay curious and open to whatever the world brings to us. When we're talking about seasonal shifts and shifts within our own life, that mindset can be really helpful.

Both my mom and I share in detail about our past experiences with September, my past associations with my Birthday, and how we relate to this time of the year now.

I then walk my mom through how to create her intentions. Not only do we have a good laugh, but it is a helpful practice to listen to to help you solidify your intention setting rituals.


We decided that her intention for September is - I live in the present moment. I am in the present moment.

My intention for September is - I slow down to make space for the present moment.

Here are some other intention ideas to get you inspired —-

I slow down to make space for the present moment.

I provide myself with the support and stability I need freely.

As the seasons are shifting with ease, so am I.

I soften into the present moment.

I embrace my shifts and seasons just as I embrace the shifts and seasons of nature

Words for September -

slow, space, shift, support, soften

Journal Prompts

What is my relationship usually like with September? With the shifting seasons?

What am I feeling about September in this moment? What am I feeling about summer ending?

What do I need to nourish myself in September?

What is my relationship like with the present moment?

What is my relationship like with joy?

Action Steps

My commitment and action step for September is to practice a joy ritual every day of the month.

My moms commitment and action step is to prioritise an intentional meditation practice everyday.

What is your intention for the month? What are your words for the month? What are your commitments and action steps?

Important dates for September -

new moon on September 3rd, first quarter moon September 11th, full Harvest moon September 18th, Autumnal Equinox September 22nd, last quarter moon September 24th

stay tuned for the autumnal equinox rituals coming on the podcast, substack, and youtube.


I'm excited to see what September brings for all of us, and I'm excited to see what this next year brings for Intuitively Wild. I would love to hear what your reflections are from Summer and August and what your intentions are for September.

Until next time, stay intuitively wild 🌙


~ Rachel

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