Softness is the Strength

I used to wake up unconsciously chasing adrenaline.

Feet hitting the pavement, hands gripping iron, heart wired shut.

Needing to push and force, exhaust myself into enoughness.

I chased until I came to the edge of the cliff, still trying to run in midair.

Only to find I was free falling.

Hitting rocks and sharp edges on the way down.

The sharp rocks became lessons. There was freedom in the free fall.

I found if I let go of forcing, I could trust a safe landing.

So little by little I began to let go. Loosening my grip, letting it all fall away, once inch at a time.

Still not a soft and easy journey, but by choosing more softness and ease, I could breath, travel a little bit lighter. Trust myself a little bit harder. Lean on support a little bit stronger.

So I turned away from the blind chase I was on. It was a dead end path built for one. As I looked behind me, I found it had broken me to pieces.

I chose a new path. I built it myself. But softly, slowly, sacredly, with support along the way. The never ending journey of choosing me.

I was turning away from fear. I’ve given into trust.

Now I wake up consciously choosing presence. Feet grounded on the earth, hands and heart wide open.

Embracing the fear.

I thought the chasing, forcing, pushing was the strongest thing I could do, but really the strength came in the letting go, the falling apart.

Choosing softness is the strength.


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Full Moon in Cancer