Full Moon in Cancer

This Friday or Saturday (depending on your time zone) we have the Full Moon in Cancer. Cancer is one of the most emotional signs in the zodiac. Cancer not only feels deeply, but is not afraid to express these emotions outwardly, or perhaps is unable to hide them. Cancer is a water sign, flowy, nurturing and creative. This Full Moon asks us to get in touch with our emotions and be honest about what our hearts need. However, the sun is in Capricorn, the sign opposing Cancer. Capricorn is about structure, productivity and discernment. Although these energies may sound contradictory, when used together intentionally, they complement each other beautifully. Give yourself the space this weekend to really feel whatever you are feeling, sit with what comes up without having to understand or do anything about it. Then, if it feels right, ask yourself where these emotions may be coming from and what they need. Listen to what your heart needs and write down action steps that you can take to fulfill those needs. When working together, Cancer and Capricorn allow you to feel your emotions, and intuitively act in alignment. Since Cancer’s energy is going to be particularly heightened this weekend, it may be the time to give into the feeling; focus on feeling your emotions and perhaps write down some action steps you can take in the next weeks. If you feel called, maybe take one small action step this weekend. Don’t force, don’t judge, don’t hold any expectations. Soften into what this full moon is bringing to you.

Below are journal prompts, herbs, and yogic practices you can connect with to harness and ground into the energy this full moon brings us.

Journal Prompts:

  • How am I feeling right now?

  • Where do I feel this emotion in my body?

  • What is my heart needing in this moment?

  • What is one action step I can take to give myself what I need?

Herbs to work with:

Since Cancer is a very feminine intuitive energy, it feels fitting to work with herbs that provide this medicine. These are the herbs you will see in the mandala picture above. Here are some of the main energetic benefits of each herb relating to the energy of this full moon.

Rose - Rose is perfect for embodying the self-love and self-nourishment that Cancer energy calls for

Vitex - This herb helps balance and stabilise hormones

Lemon - Lemon helps us detox and release all that is no longer serving us

Marigold - The energy of this plant calls upon the sun, reminding you of your internal light, strength and power. It also helps you heal when going through a period of loss and grief of a loved one.

Red clover - Red clover teaches us to receive and deeply listen. Reminding us that life is a balance between giving and taking.

Star Anise - This herb connects us to our intuition and spirituality. It also is known to attract good luck into our life, a perfect combination when connecting to your dreams and goals during this time.

Yoga/Mindfulness Practices:

  • When it comes to water signs, it can always be magical to incorporate some sort of water ritual or connection to water - whether that be a swim, a bath, or even a shower. I love being near the water but I don’t always feel at home in the water, so I have created my own way to connect to the water element. What I often do instead is place a cup of water on my alter or next to a candle and infuse it with an essential oil while repeating an affirmation or my manifestation.

  • Try taping into your intuitive, watery, feminine energy by putting on some music and moving in whatever way feels good for you. This could look like dancing, a yoga flow, or even swaying slightly side to side.

  • Sometimes all of this emotional, flowy energy can leave me feeling ungrounded and unsettled. For this I turn to breath and meditation. A simple practice that always comes in handy when I need to calm my mind is counting my breath. You can do this anywhere at anytime but maybe set a time to practice this with intention this weekend. Find a comfortable, quiet place to sit and set a timer for 2-10 minutes. As you inhale bring your attention to your breath moving through your body and say internally “one,” as you exhale do the same repeating “one.” Next breath, count “two” as you inhale and exhale, and so on until you reach ten. At ten you begin again from one. If you get distracted and lose track, simply start over at one.

I believe moon rituals are a truly magical practice. They help us connect with our intuition, manifest our dreams, and work in alignment with the energy of nature. A ritual does not have to be anything big or profound, it can be as simple or complex as feels right for you. Whether or not you acknowledge the full moon this weekend, however, you are most likely to feel heightened emotions and sensitivity. Take care of yourself. Allow yourself to be soft and gentle as you move through your day. Let this full moon, or this weekend, be about nourishing YOU.


Softness is the Strength


Surround Yourself with the Ordinary