Self Love Top Tips

I firmly believe that if everyone in the world loved themselves - like truly loved themselves - the world would be a better place. And not love ourselves from an ego place, thinking we’re the best or better than someone else, but loving ourselves from a compassionate, soft hearted, open place. A place of understanding, acceptance and awareness.

Much of what we judge, hate, and reject about others, stems from something we are judging, hating or rejecting about ourselves.

When we love ourselves, our views of others soften. We are more open-minded, open-hearted and accepting of others - despite their differences and imperfections.

When we love ourselves we can move through the world from a place of alignment and awareness, instead of insecurity and lack. We can embody the truth of who we are and build our life from that truth.

Learning to love ourselves, to me, is synonymous with learning to accept all parts of ourselves. It allows us to live a life of freedom, joy, ease, abundance and magic. It allows us to live life in the way we are meant to live it - in love.

So, here are some of my Top Tips for Self Love. I intend to go into each of these in more depth in the weeks to come. In addition, I am sharing a Top Tip for Self Love everyday on my TikTok - click this link to join me there. I will also be going live on TikTok weekly - every Monday, with a meditation and intention setting practice to help us ground into the week. I am so excited about this and can’t wait to connect with all of you deeper.

Self love is an ongoing journey, but embarking on that journey and allowing myself to love myself, has saved my life.

13 Top Tips for Self Love ——

  1. be okay with not being liked

  2. allow yourself to be misunderstood

  3. be honest with yourself about how you’re feeling

  4. be honest with others about your emotions

  5. let yourself off the hook, accept your imperfections

  6. live in integrity

  7. be intentional with who you surround yourself with - surround yourself with people who love themselves - and people who love you

  8. know when to give yourself tough love

  9. spend intentional time by yourself

  10. don’t take things so seriously

  11. be confident in yourself

  12. let people surprise you

  13. be careful with how you label and identify yourself

I’d love to hear which of these your most curious about hearing more about first! And if you have any that you would add. Feel free to DM me on Instagram or TikTok or email me!


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