Nervines - herbalism to regulate your Nervous System

Let’s talk NERVINES. Nervines are herbs that help support the nervous system.

If there is one thing I can say with certainty, it is that we ALL could benefit from regulating our nervous systems. The ability to naturally bring ourselves into rest and digest mode is a rare art these days. It used to be that our sympathetic nervous system, which consists of our fight, flight, freeze, fawn mechanisms, kicked in at times when we truly needed it. Now, our sympathetic nervous systems can be activated by the slightest trigger. For many of us, it seems to be on autopilot, always running in the background; our brains and bodies no longer trust we are safe in our day to day lives. This can be due to trauma (whether big or little “T”), the use of technology, how we were raised…

We deserve to live a life in which we feel safe to rest, safe to be grounded, safe to be at ease. We deserve a life in which this is our natural way of being, and the space from which we lead our lives.

So, we must cultivate the practice of bringing ourselves back to our centre. We must utilise the tools and support that help strengthen our connection to our parasympathetic nervous systems.

I love combining yoga therapy and herbalism because they interact and compliment each other perfectly. The different practices used in both, target different parts of ourselves - body, mind and soul. This holistic approach helps us come back home to ourselves, and to this earth, time and time again.

In herbalism, one of the easiest ways to regulate, strengthen and connect to your nervous system, is through a nervine tea blend. Below is my current favourite. There is no need to have all of these herbs to make an impact. Even one can leave you feeling grounded, at ease and truly make a difference - especially if sipped mindfully and done in conjunction with other practices (such as pranayama).

These are a few of my favourite nervines with some of their supporting properties relating to the nervous system :

Oatsraw - This herb is known to help alleviate anxiety, depression insomnia and stress.

Rose - Rose is one of those herbs that is wonderful to add to any blend when available due to its’ beautiful smell and appearance. In addition to this, it contains properties that help alleviate stress, anxiety, depression, insomnia and mood swings.

Lemonbalm - Another herb best known for its’ ability to improve mood, relieve stress and anxiety, and help ease insomnia.

St Johns Wort - This herb is known to be one of the best for depression. It helps calm and reduce mild to moderate anxiety and depression, especially depression relating to frustration. It can also help Seasonal Affective Disorder and sleeplessness.

Fennel - Fennel can be a helpful muscle relaxant and therefore is great to take before bed.

Passionflower - Passionflower is also a wonderful herb to take before bed as it can have a strong calming effect and relieve anxiety.

I hope that you try one, or all, of these out! If you would like a personalised nervine medicinal or support in other tools to regulate your nervous system, please reach out!


The Art of Creating Ourselves


Seeking Self Validation