JULYS RITUAL - the full moon in Capricorn

For this month's Ritualism episode, we are talking about the full moon in Capricorn on July 21st.

There are a couple of reasons why we wanted to focus our monthly ritual on this full moon. The first being that it is the second full moon in Capricorn in this season.

Our last full moon a month ago, on June 21st, was also in Capricorn, which means that this is a blue moon, because it only happens once every blue moon. Therefore, the energy that this Capricorn full moon is evoking in us is extra important for us to pay attention to. It's extra impactful and powerful. It has a message for us. It has meaning for us. As of course, all full moons do, but this might be a continuous theme that is really wanting to be known in our lives.

Think back to June 21st and what was happening in your life. If any themes or occurrences are repeating themselves or popping back up in your life right now that happened a month ago.

This full moon also occurs on a Sunday and each day of the week is is associated with a different planet and a different energy. I wrote a whole blog post about this, if you're curious. Sunday is, unsurprisingly, associated with the sun.

On this full moon, we are getting energy from the full moon and the energy of the sun. Since we just had the solstice, there is a lot of light, a lot of energy, and things are being illuminated, revealed and shown. We might be feeling that energy both physically and mentally, emotionally, and energetically.

Capricorn can get a reputation for being focused solely on work and discipline and being unemotional. While that energy can be present and might arise at this time for some people to look at and work through, Capricorn is really about consistency and reliability and being open hearted. It is about focusing on what we care about, what is important to us. It’s about finding the true difference between discipline and devotion and dedicating ourselves to it.

The human design gates activated during this time are gates 60 and 41 - to learn more about this, tune into this weeks podcast episode. The podcast episode goes into the detail of these gates, how their energy may impact us, and further detail on all of the ritual steps below.


setting up your space -

The most important thing is creating a sacred space for you to have this ritual. In this context sacred means safe, uninterrupted, comfortable, a place you feel you can be fully present and express your full self.

altar suggestions -

Pick a physical item that you want to have with you throughout this ritual. It can be a crystal, a stone, a rock, a piece of jewelry… leave it out the night before you create this ritual so the growing energy of the full moon can release any unhelpful energy and infuse your item with new energy.

You're going to have this item with you throughout the whole ritual so that your full moon intentions and the energy evoked throughout this ritual is also infused into this item.

Then leave it out overnight under the light of the full moon so your intentions are amplified, cemented and seen by the light of the moon.

You can take this item with you throughout the rest of the time you are working with these intentions, and put it on your altar or hold it with you throughout your daily rituals. This way it can remind you of your intention and reconnect with the energy you create during this ritual.

yoga therapy tools -

lions breath - this pranayama practice helps you release emotions in a quick and simple way when you are feeling frustrated, overwhelmed, tense… you are going to inhale through your nose with your eyes closed and face soft, and exhale through your mouth, open your eyes wide and sticking your tongue out.

figure four - we store emotions in our body. often people don't realise just how much emotion and trauma we store in the body until they start practicing yoga. Hip openers allow you to release your emotions. Figure Four can be done in a chair, seated on the floor, or on your back. Place one foot on the opposite knee so it creates a right angle. If it feels comfortable, start to bring your chest closer to your knee, keeping your feet engaged and flexed. Stay connected with your breath. A helpful pranayama to practice alongside this asana is to take two quick, sharp, short breathes through your nose, and then exhaling slowly, deeply and for as long as you can through your mouth.

meditation - this month we are continuing to focus on a simple meditation practice of stillness and silence, with the added challenge of a one pointed focus. You can focus on the breath coming in and out of your nose, moving through your chest and lungs, a mantra, you can focus on third eye.. anything, just have that focus point and continue to return there. Set a timer for at least three minutes and breath.

herbal companions -

  • lavender - associated with both capricorn and the full moon, lavender is calming, and it helps balance your energy and mental anxiety.

  • rosemary - another herb connected to capricorn and the full moon, rosemary brings clarity, helps you root into pure intentions, and brings awareness to any unaligned intentions or unsupportive thoughts.

  • mullein - this herb is a nervine (supports the nervous system), supports allergies, protection, helps you speak up honestly with more confidence so you can say what's on your mind and heart.

journal prompts -

  • what do you TRULY want - no holding back, no judgments, unedited, unthought through, just write about what you truly want

  • what is your body telling you that you want to pursue - where is your energy being pulled right now? what are you feeling excited about? what are you noticing showing up in your life that you feel drawn towards?

  • what are you fears around these desires? - again don't hold back or judge, just write

  • where are your fears stopping you from taking action on your desires?

  • what emotions are feeling challenging for you to sit with recently?

  • what obstacles are coming up in your life that you're feeling frustrated, angry, resentful or overwhelmed by?

intention setting -

From your answers to the journal prompts, you hopefully gained more clarity on what you truly want, and the fears and blocks that are holding you back from pursuing and creating those desires in your life.

Since the full moon is a time of reflection and release, we want to focus on what we are desiring to release right now -those fears, beliefs, thoughts, habits, people, situations that are holding us back from pursuing or creating our desires, what you want less of in your life or what you no longer have the time, energy or desire for, what is not serving you, what is holding you back. This could be tangible things, this could be a thought pattern, a behaviour, a person, an environment... it could be anything - what are you ready to let go of

From that space, craft your intention. You want to write your intention in the positive and as if it is already happening

If you want to go deeper into practicing ritualism in your life, Intuitively Wilds new offer - Ritualism - your manual for intentional living based on your human design - is the perfect tool.

You can also become a paid subscriber on substack and get access to weekly intention setting rituals through audio every Monday.

Until next time, stay intuitively wild 🌙


~ Rachel

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