Think Different Thoughts

Our brains are naturally pretty lazy. They tend to think the same thought and choose the same pattern over and over and over again. Like a well paved trail on a mountain.

Even when we have grown and changed and are ready to step into that evolution, many of our thoughts stay the same. These automatic thoughts keep us stuck. The ones that we have been repeating for years. The ones that are so normal to us we don’t even hear them anymore, and yet they are constantly in the background running the show. So what if we noticed them, called them out, and tried on a new thought - just to see how it felt.

What if we demanded something different? What if we said - ‘come on brain, that thought is so boring. We can be more creative than that.’

What if we forced our brains to think a new thought, to see things from a different perspective, to carve a new trail into the mountain. It takes active work and commitment at first, but soon that trail would be just as easy to follow as the original. And this trail would allow you to go on a whole new path. It would allow you to carve a new direction and journey for yourself, versus automatically taking the one deeply engrained and laid out for you.

This would allow our thoughts to grow with the rest of us. It would allow all parts of us to grow together, expand, evolve. It would gives us the ability to change our behaviours at the rate that we are doing our healing work, at the rate that we are changing and evolving. If we force our thoughts to change, in turn, our behaviours keep up with our evolution, instead of our thoughts and old patterning keeping us stuck.

Allowing yourself to repeat the same thought patterns over and over can be a form of self-sabotage. If you stay in this place, you’ll never fully heal, let go, move on. You deserve to think different thoughts. You have the power to choose your thoughts. You have the power to make your brain a place of joy, magic, differing perspectives, peace.

Let’s force our brains to get creative. Let’s force our brains to get active, brave, go off in a new direction.

You deserve to carve your own path on the mountain.


January Lessons and February Intentions


How Do You People Please?