How To Ride Your Emotional Wave

I have done two other posts about Human Design and your mental health - I recommend reading those first to get a sense of foundation before moving on to this post. You can find the first of those posts linked here and the second one linked here. As discussed in these previous posts, those with a defined solar plexus are at the mercy of the wave of their emotions. However, there are four different types of emotional waves that you can have. This is dependent on what channel(s) you have connected to your solar plexus. Below I will go through each of the waves and their corresponding channels and how to work with this energy in your life.

Channel 59-6  

this wave is all about relationships. It is about connection, intimacy and touch. People with this channel may have subtle and mellow waves of emotion and they may not always resonate with being an emotional. For them, their emotions drive them to connect with others. To be close with others. For those with this channel it is especially important to have intimate relationships that you can feel vulnerable with and communicate openly about your feelings. 

tips for living with this channel 

  • foster relationships that feel safe for you to open up to 

  • Prioritise comfort when feeling low 

  • Allow yourself to be vulnerable with and close to others 

Channels 19-49 and 37-40  

Those with these channels have the same wave. This wave is often known as the build up. They may feel grounded and calm most of the time. However, they do not realise how emotions are building up within them over time. At some point, these emotions will need to be released. Without realising that this is a normal pattern for you, you may end up overreacting to a situation, exploding out of nowhere. When you realise this is your pattern you can understand that what may seem like an overreaction to a small situation is not actually entirely about that situation, you just need a release. Start to track your wave - how often do you feel the need for this release? How does this show up for you? This can help you understand your emotions and help others understand you as well. It is also very important for you to provide for your, and others, needs. Ask yourself how you can best provide for your needs and the needs of those you care about.

  • learn how often you need a release of emotions 

  • Understand how this release unfolds for you, learn your patterning 

  • Express to others when you are having a release versus a reaction fully connected to the situation at hand 

  • Be conscious of your emotions

  • Acknowledge your desire to provide for others

Channels 39-55 and 22-12

These channels have a more spontaneous and unpredictable wave than the others, it does not have a pattern as some other waves do. They can be feeling high and then suddenly be hit by a low, only to return to neutral moments later. It is extra important for those with these channels to check in with their emotions and let their emotions decide what action they take next. Their emotions are a guide, trust the timing and the path your emotional wave takes you on. The most important piece with these channels present, is to lean into your emotions. You are here to use your emotions to make life more interesting, alive, connected. You are meant to embrace your emotions fully and show others how to feel their emotions as well. You do not have to take any action to do this, simply letting yourself feel and express your emotions will impact others ability to do the same.

Channel 22-12, in particular, can be associated with moodiness. Those with this channel are bright and sparkly and fully alive when they are on a high part of their wave. But, when they are not, they often want to be alone and take space. They need to be in the mood for what they are doing, otherwise it will impact everyone around them. They are often intimately connected to their emotions and feel things deeply.

  • make sure you are in the mood for what you are doing, allow your emotions to guide you 

  • Make peace with each phase of your wave

  • Take space to be alone when that is what you need 

  • Let yourself shine when that is what you feel

Channels 41-30 and 36-35 collective circuit - potential outcomes, gathering data to share stories to help collective

These channels are all about expectations. Often those with these channels start to feel very positive and excited about a situation, creating expectations in their mind. They see how they want a situation to unfold and feel like they are gaining momentum in that direction. However, they then may feel let down or disappointed by the situation or life and this drops them down into a low part of their wave. It can feel like a hard drop. This can often be tricky to manage and can feel like sensations of depression or melancholy. They can feel like they did something wrong, or like they will never feel excited about something again.It is also a gift, you can often see the potential outcomes of a situation. Watching how a situation unfolds allows you to gather data to then share stories to help the collective going forward. It is important to understand that this is normal, to navigate your expectations and disappointment, and trust that the wave will build up again over time. 

  • Manage your expectations 

  • Know that if something disappoints you it does not mean you did anything wrong 

  • Trust the timing and unfolding of your life 

  • Know that your wave will build up again soon 

  • Express your frustration and disappointment to others

So there you have it. The four different types of waves and all the channels that are connected to the solar plexus centre. I would love to know if you have any of these channels and how this shows up in your life. Do you resonate with your emotional wave? Does this provide deeper understanding around who you are and how your emotions speak to you?

Remember - your emotions are a core part of your intuition, let them speak to you and guide you.


What is Happiness?


Existential Thoughts written by a Scorpio Rising