February Reflections and March Intentions

Even from the end of 2022 I have felt like January and February carried the energy of pause - the stillness before the breakthrough. For me so far, this has proven to be true.

February has been an in-between month; a time to continue moving forward with what is present for me, right now, in order to prepare for what is time come. There is so much on the horizon I am looking towards and wanting to embrace but the inner and outer voices whisper - not yet, not yet.

It has felt a bit like a clean out, emotionally. This space in-between has provided (forced) the opportunity to double down on what needs clearing within in order to be ready for what is to come. The healing that I have been working through, all that is leftover and requiring my attention, is asking to be faced. Fully. Despite the challenges and frustrations this has brought up, I am trusting. I am trusting it is all on purpose. I am trusting my ability to handle and move through it all and come out stronger and more grounded in myself than ever before.

Sometimes the space in-between can feel more emotionally and physically draining and overwhelming than the eye of the storm. It is the time to prepare for the storm, because when life gets busier and fuller you draw upon the peace within you that you have previously cultivated. This is the time when I am really cultivating and grounding into my foundation of inner peace.

It feels like a part of my life is starting to come to the beginning of the end. The last few years have been fixated on deep healing and inner-work that I have needed to face. It is what allows me to now know myself and connect to myself on the level that I do and for that I am forever grateful. And while that healing and inner-work is far from over, and is a never ending journey, I finally have the space for more in my life. To live my life more fully and alive than ever before. And that is the chapter I am slowly beginning to enter. A chapter of life where I can fully be alive.

March feels like the start of that.

My intention for March? Joy.

I simply want to embrace, embody, cultivate and feel joy.

And that’s all. And that’s magic.


National Eating Disorder Awareness Week

