7 Truths That Reminded Me To Live Intuitively Wild

…from my latest podcast guest, Adriana Keefe.

Living Intuitively Wild cannot be done without coming back home to ourselves first. It’s about pursuing a life connected not only to our inner being but also to others and nature. I was reminded of just how important and true this is when I was interviewing my most recent podcast guest Adriana Keefe. Human design coach mixed with motivational speaker (and so much more), Adrianna helps women become who they truly are. Her journey exemplifies the Intuitively Wild philosophy beautifully - her story is one of radical authenticity, vulnerability, and acceptance.

Before we go any further, firstly I need to tell you a little about Adriana. She's a 4/6 manifesting generator by design—a mother, a lover of animals, and the host of the "No BS Human Design" podcast. Her authenticity and integrity are evident in every aspect of her being. From the very moment I connected with her, even virtually, I felt an overwhelming sense of compassion and open-heartedness.

Together, we delved deep into her experiences and unraveled crucial lessons about self-understanding, resilience, and having the audacity to be true to oneself.

If you prefer to listen to our conversation, [click here]

  1. Unmasking the Facades

One of the recurring themes we discussed is the facade we sometimes present to the world. Adriana said "on the inside, I felt far less confident than I appeared on the outside". What a universal truth about human vulnerability. How many of us are seen as more confident and outgoing than we feel? Her share reminded me that not just understanding these feelings but also sharing them creates the space for authenticity. This simple act breaks down barriers and allows for genuine human connections.

  1. The Pedestal Effect

Adriana opened up about the pedestal effect: the tendency to place people we admire on pedestals, thinking we're not worthy of their attention or kindness. It's so easy to forget this and slip in to the perpetual cycle of comparison - a place where it's impossible to live intuitively or authentically. She reminded me that everyone, no matter how successful or confident they appear, has their struggles. Every single one of our cultural heroes are, after all, human, just like us.

  1. The Power of Human Design

Adriana's life took a pivotal turn when she discovered human design. She shared how through this system, she learned that her perceived flaws were intrinsic parts of her unique design. For example, being a manifesting generator meant she was meant to be multifaceted and dynamic, completely redefining her understanding of herself and her capabilities. Human design provided her with a roadmap to self-acceptance. I'm banking this reason 237467 as to why human design is so integral to living intuitively wild.

  1. Living in Alignment

Another highlight was Adriana’s journey through nervous system regulation and how it plays a pivotal role in living a fulfilled life. In her words, "The key to a life fully lived is a regulated nervous system.” Without this, it's impossible to be present. This underscored the importance of why we teach grounding practices and how to maintain emotional health.

  1. Connecting Through Compassion

We also touched upon the importance of human connection and the role of compassion in shaping how we interact with others. Being empathetic and neutral to others’ reactions allows for a deeper understanding of their circumstances. Adriana’s life experiences highlighted that our projections often get in the way and that healing our interior world can transform our external interactions.

  1. Generational Patterns & Emotional Awareness

Although i'm not a parent (yet), and maybe you aren't either - this was such a touching segment of our conversation. As a mother, Adriana has consciously worked to break harmful generational patterns. She shared a few stories about using tools like tapping (EFT) to help her daughter manage emotions. She shares that by teaching her children about body autonomy and emotional awareness, she empowers them to speak their truths and trust their instincts. Something we should all remind ourselves to do, no matter the age.

  1. Facing Fears Unleashes Magic

One of the most poignant parts of our conversation was the idea that moving through our greatest fears often leads us to our deepest desires. Addressing what we fear unlocks new experiences and opportunities and that's what leads us to magic and abundance in our lives. We might not always understand why we need to face these fears, but trusting the process can lead to unexpected and extraordinary outcomes.

It's clear how Adriana exemplifies living intuitively wild by embracing her authentic self, even when it's challenging. She exercises the audacity to be herself and follows her intuition, knowing that in doing so, she is creating a ripple effect of positive change. To me, her journey is a beacon for anyone striving to live a life of purpose and authenticity.

If you'd like to listen to our conversation in full, head over the podcast by [clicking here] I hope this deep dive into Adriana Keefe’s story inspires you to lean into your authenticity and trust your journey. Remember, living intuitively wild is about embracing every part of yourself and finding beauty in the process.

Stay wild and true to yourself 🌙


~ Rachel


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