Deciding What Matters

Everything matters and nothing matters.

We get to decide what is important to us. We put the meaning behind each situation.

What I mean is - Everything matters because the small things are the big things. We get to see the magic in the mundane moments. We get to create joy from each part of our lives.

At the same time - Nothing matters because we can’t take ourselves or our lives too seriously. We are all just humans stumbling along as we grow.

Let yourself make meaning and magic where others see the mundane. Let yourself brush off the drama and turn away from the noise.

Let us show up to our lives as best we can in each moment. Let us show our hearts to the world despite the situation. And let us not let the external change the foundation of peace we have created within.

Everything matters because we can impact the world through our energy. Nothing matters because we can remain in our integrity and truth despite what’s going on around us.

Our internal world dictates our peace. Our external world dictates our lessons.


I’ve been thinking about this a lot lately - how we get to place the meaning behind every event in our life, big and small. This is another way to strengthen our intuitions and tune into ourselves. When we are too caught up in the noise around us, we can let others place meaning into our lives. When we tune out the noise, we give ourselves the chance to make our own meanings, without being influenced by others around us. Only you know how something truly impacts you, what it means to you, what you want it to mean to you.

You don't have to care about what other people care about. We can all find different situations and events important or fun or boring, exciting, hurtful… I used to question why I didn’t care about certain things the way others did. I used to play down what I loved because others saw it as stupid. I used to not celebrate the small things because it felt indulgent, pointless, like a distraction.

Now, I want to find the childlike joy in every moment as often as I can. I want to let the drama roll off my shoulders. I want to move through life with ease when others are telling me to push. I want to care deeply about what my soul cares about. I want to be able to decide for myself what feels important to me.

We decide for ourselves by getting curious with the stories and reactions we have around situations. By asking ourselves questions such as - Does this truly matter to me? Does my reaction to this match my true feelings? Is this how I feel or did I pick up this story from someone or something around me?

Recently I have found myself repeating in my head - nothing matters and everything matters. To me, it is a reminder that life does not have to be taken so seriously until we decide what is serious. It reminds me that I get to create magic whenever I want, and I get to let go of whatever I want. I get to decide. You do, too.


Whole Hearted Living Over Perfection


Octobers Reflections and Novembers Intentions