Intuitive Girls Guide To a Morning Routine

Wellness culture has hijacked morning routines. They have become branded as the thing to do in order to be successful, productive, spiritual… Don’t get me wrong, I love my morning routine. It is what keeps me grounded, sets my energy for the day and connects me to myself. My morning routine is a huge part of what strengthens my intuition and it brings me so much joy. However, most people I know in my life would not find joy in the routine I have created for myself. I don’t think anything in life is one size fits all. I love my morning routine because I have created a structure that genuinely works and is authentic for me. And this shifts and evolves over time.

You can read about the “five best tips to being successful” or “the one hack that will change your life” or listen to your role model on a podcast and hear what they do, but honestly what works for others may not be relevant for you. Even if you try to replicate it, these steps won’t necessarily get you where you want to go - and they definitely won’t get you to the same place as someone else. We are each unique individuals with different needs. It may be helpful to hear ideas, to get advice or try things out for size, but ultimately you need to feel into what works for you.

All this being said, I do believe that mornings can be a really powerful time of day. The energy of the morning provides us with a blank template to set intentions, ground, and prepare for the day ahead. It can allow us to get into our intuitions and out of the noise.

What this process looks like, however, can be different for everyone. Some people thrive on consistency and like to create a set structure that they stick to everyday. Others need a more fluid, spacious structure. Regardless, it is tuning into our inner knowing of what we need.

What can help you get to this space of knowing is having a list of tools to fall back on. Then, each morning have a moment to check in with yourself, and ask what on that list may best support you today.

Some items on the list may include : reading, journaling, movement, calling a friend, listening to music, making art, meditation, pranayama, tea, making breakfast, nature… the list could go on and can be so unique to you.

Perhaps start with writing out what your ideal morning would look like. From there, create a list of all the things from that dream that you could incorporate into your mornings. Perhaps some are less achievable consistently (for example: getting a massage, going on an adventure…) but you should still include them as they remind you of activities you love that you can plan more sparingly. Creating this list also reminds you of activities you love and that bring you joy and connection.

There are times when we automatically know what feels good for us. There are other times when this intuitive knowing feels further away. Creating a foundational routine for yourself provides space for your intuition to rush in and pull you towards what you need.

Additionally - this time for you doesn’t even have to be mornings! Some don’t have time in the mornings or are simply not morning people and no matter what they do they cannot create a connection with mornings. Perhaps you love the evenings, or it feels best to take a pause in the middle of the day. Maybe this time changes everyday. It doesn’t matter! The idea is finding some time, ideally everyday, to connect to yourself and your intuition. Creating the routine of having an intuitive routine.

It doesn’t matter if you are a routine person or not, we all benefit from giving ourselves the time to connect to our intuitions, or even simply to connect to our joy.


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