Aries New Moon and Astrological New Year

Happy Astrological New Year and Aries Season!!!!!!

This Aries New Moon happens on March 21st, right after the Spring Equinox on March 20th.

Listen, of course January started the beginning of a fresh start and the step into 2023, but energetically the shift really begins now. This is on two levels - every year January, February, and some of March, are still winter, hibernation season. And, specifically this year, the astrological energy was supportive of this - a slow, reflective start to 2023. However, as March came in, so too did change. Planets began moving quickly, shifting into new zodiac signs for the first time in years and making their mark known. Additionally, this equinox marks the beginning of spring.

I am SO ready for spring. I hope you can hear the emphatic emphasis in my voice.

Aries is the first sign in the zodiac, so we are starting the cycle over, beginning again. Aries season is the perfect energy for spring and the new year. Aries is a fire sign; it is fast moving, impulsive, confident, excited. They are natural born leaders. If the first few months of the year were times to reflect and get grounded in your goals and intentions, Aries is ready to rush into the act of making these dreams come true.

Of course the impulsivity and act before you think nature of Aries can bring about possible regrets and misshaps, but the energy at this time is supportive of Aries’ fire. Just make sure you are moving from your intuition and joy, versus ego and shame.

Aries season ushers in new beginnings, fresh starts, and the ability to handle these all with ease and energy. Aries are not only quick to act, but quick and easeful manifestors. This season, take all you have been working towards, dreaming of, and getting ready for, and make it happen.

And remember - the more shame you let go of and fear you walk through towards your goals, the quicker your dreams and growth will unfold for you.

Journal Prompts:

What dreams has Pisces season brought you that you are you ready to manifest into the world?

Do you feel capable of making your dreams a reality?

What fears have been holding you back? What fears can you start to step through? What actions can you take to do this?

How can you slow yourself down and tune into your intuition throughout this time?

Plants to Work With:

Milk Thistle - this is one of the plants associated with the sign of Aries. It supports digestion and our bodies natural detox systems which strengthens our bodies and allows us to get ready for new beginnings and change. Milk Thistle also protects us spiritually and physically.

Honeysuckle - this plant helps bring good luck and love. It supports strengthening relationships of all kinds and overall attracts sweetness and magic to ones life.

Parsley - this herb is also thought to bring about luck, vitality and protection. Parsley brings us internal strength and supports intuition, spirituality and rebirth.

Yoga/Mindfulness Practices:

Lions Breath - this is a simple yet powerful breath technique. You begin by inhaling naturally through your nose, on your exhale open your eyes wide, open your mouth wide, and stick your tongue out while making an “ah” sound. This breath is playful and also helps to cool you down. With the fire that Aries season can bring, it is important to continue to calm ourselves, and not to take ourselves so seriously.

Intuitive Asana Practice - sometimes Aries energy can feel strong and overwhelming. We want to make sure that this energy does not get stuck in the body causing anxiety, anger, or other blocked emotions. Movement allows us to move energy through us so it can be processed and released. This does not have to be a powerful active sequence, it can be whatever you need. Use this Aries energy to take the lead with confidence, tune into your intuition, and move how your body wants to move. You can’t do this wrong - it could even be a dance party in your living room.

Incorporate Yoga Snacks - I am a huge fan of Yoga Snacks. I have a whole blog post on this but, put simply, they are simple, small yoga and mindfulness practices that you can sprinkle throughout your day. It could be setting a timer for one minute during your lunch break to breath, stepping outside to ground every few hours, five minutes of sun salutations or journaling… the possibilities are endless. This could be so beneficial during Aries season when you are trying to stay regulated and grounded amidst the powerful and exciting energy and changes happening around, and within, you.

I hope that you take the time this Aries season to acknowledge the inner growth and transformation you have undergone the last few months. Remind yourself that your dreams are meant to be yours and you do not need to be perfect or “ready” in order to manifest them now. Trust yourself, trust the universe, and trust the timing of your life. Use this Aries energy to step into your power with confidence and ease.


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