The Journey of Re-Connecting to Our Truth…

Living Simply, Slowly, Intentionally, Connected

Intuitively Wild is a lifestyle brand devoted to helping others live their most intuitive and intentional lives.

Here we are dedicated to turning routine into ritual, the mundane into magic, and autopilot into intention. All of our products, services and events are created to help you live your most intentional, aligned and alive life.

Through tools such as Yoga Therapy, Herbalism and Human Design we work to reconnect to our intuition and strengthen our mental health; the guide posts for a life well worn.

Living Intuitively Wild is about coming back home to ourselves. It is a process of removing what is not ours so we can reconnect to our truth and relearn how to live in alignment with our intuition. Here we talk about how to live connected to ourselves, others and nature and make a commitment to radical authenticity and acceptance.

The Podcast

Living Intuitively Wild

The health and wellness world has become inundated with products to buy that claim they will fix you, make you better and solve all of your problems. Social media overflows with practitioners telling you they have your answers, they know THE way to heal yourself, the perfect way to live in order to be beautiful, wealthy, successful… The common theme is — someone else has the answers to your problems. The truth is — only you know what is right for you and your life.

At Intuitively Wild we believe in devotional self-discernment. Staying committed to honouring what you need, what your inner compass is telling you, and leaving the rest. All of our products and services aim to help individuals access the most unique and aligned versions of themselves so that they can live with intention and alignment… Here is where you learn how to do that. Here is where you learn how to hear, understand, trust, strengthen and follow your intuition.

Our products and services help you break free from the idea that you have to be anyone other than exactly who you are. They help you create sacred rituals in order to bring back magic to the mundane and intention into everything you do. 

We hope all of our offerings help you live Intuitively Wild - confidently connected to your magic and dedicated to your true authentic self no matter what.